Many people could save a great deal of money with driving lessons if only you treat it the same as exams, you have to put in the time. I do not necessarily mean more driving lessons, but study whilst you are in the car as a passenger with perhaps mum or dad whilst they are driving.etc. Look at their observations on the road, watch their driving coming to road junctions what they do when approaching rouadabouts traffic lights. Ask questions!
Start studying the Highway code before you start driving lessons. I know it is a boring book!! Sorry, but it needs to be done even just 10minutes a day will help. This book can give you a greater understanding of the roads signs and rules this will help you combined with your lessons to enable you to learn to drive quicker therefore saving money.
Another pointer to saving you money is to study ( Yes I did say that uncool boring word Study) for your theory and hazard perception test.
You can take your theory and hazard perception on your 17th birthday if you wish. many, many people put off this part of the driving test, therefore when they have had lessons and can be near to taking a practical test they cannot book it as they have not passed the theory and hazard perception test and got the relevant pass code number to apply for the practical test. Money is then being used for driving lessons to keep the pupil up to speed for the practical test just because they have put off of studying sooner.
Have any of you thought about asking for birthday presents/ Christmas present in driving lesson vouchers?
If you started with just a couple of weeks with perhaps 2 or 3 2hr lessons a week your beginning of understanding driving skills will be speeded up, as there will not be 6days in between learning the basics to forget.This can give an overall saving of money too.
Finally remember to have a driving instructor you feel comfortable with enjoy your driving lessons and cannot wait to get into the car for your next driving lesson. If these boxes are all ticked you will take on board more instruction per lesson therefore helping you to save money on driving lessons. If you do not enjoy the lessons then maybe speak to the relevant driving school head office and ask for a different instructor. ( However be aware there will be some weeks in your driving experience you might get frustrated or go backwards this is quite common, but if week on week you dread having a lesson then you might need to change instructors)
Bye for now speak to you soon
Mrs BubbLe @ BubbLe driving School