Welcome to the BubbLe Pass Club, here you'll be able to see all of our client's success's from the instructor's they learned with, click here to read some of our customer reviews or see our Facebook reviews and posts.
Why choose bubble, well we have been able to help thousands of client's in the 19 years we have been operating, and for the last couple of years we have helped over:
450+ in 2019
125+ during the start of the pandemic in 2020 when driving schools was only operating for 8 months
162+ client in 2021 when we was operating for only 9 months
188+ clients in 2022
286+ clients in 2023
And now in 2024 we have helped so far
195+ gain their own set of driving keys and licenses and aim to help even more.
All these past clients now have the skills to drive on their own safely and independently and achieve the careers they want from having a driving license.
Now more than ever, many people still have yet to realize that learning to drive in this day and age is near enough an essential life skill, most employers require their staff to be able to get to work or their jobs on time or transport equipment, this is where a clients journey begins, in helping them to succeed in life for their family, career, employment and personal goals
BubbLe Driving School, the Fun, Friendly, and professional choice.
Holly Ewing, from Long Ashton, North Somerset,
has had her freedom now for just under 2 months, absorbing all the driving skills, techniques and strategies she was taught by magnificent BubbLe instructor Elaine C, Holly gaint her own 🚘🔑 on 22.1.2025
Harry Shouls, from Westbury, Bristol,
succeed in gaining his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 and driving 🪪. Thanks to the incredibly fun driving lessons provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Sarah B, Harry earned his freedom and independence on 22.1.2025
Lee-Anna Morgan, from Brislington, Bristol
has had her freedom now for just short of 3 months, all down to the friendly wonderful training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Nuha a, Lee-anna put the effort earning her own set of 🚘🔑 on 15.1.2025
Lewis Wilmshurst, from Lockleaze, Bristol
has been seen by his amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b numerous times since he passed his driving test on 23.1.2025
Rachel Scowcroft , from Greenbank, Bristol
has been driving in and out of Bristol, up and down the motorway, and all around the country, having worked hard to earn her essential life skill, and freedom, oh and we must forget most importantly, her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 , from the cool, calm, and wicked driving lessons provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Jenny w, Rachel, passed her driving test on 21.1.2025
Jake Dorman, from Redland, Bristol smashing his driving test and passing first time, and narrowly missing a squirl that tried to sabatage his driving test, Jack did all the hard work, listened to his amazing BubbLE instructor Sarah b, and gained his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 and has been out and about driving since 29.10.2024
A great result for you Jake, keep up the safe driving, and mind them squirl's then they are trying to find their nuts 🐿🥜🥜
April Wright, from Bedminster,
Bristol has been enjoying her freedom with her essential life skill, that's right she gained her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 thanks to the increadibable training provided by BubbLe instructor Baillo B, April passed her driving test with flying colors on 21.10.2024
George Ge, from Lockeleaze,
Bristol passed his driving test thanks to the amazing chilled tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Baillo b, George gained his 🚘🔑 on 11.10.2024
Molly Cross, from Stapleton,
South Gloucestershire earned her freedom, independence and unlimited horsepower, thanks to the fantastic tuition provided by BubbLe instructor Martin R. Molly passed her 🚘 test on 7.10.2025
Devraj Singh, from Southmead,
Bristol under the fantastic training provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Lukas, Succeeded in passing his test on 3.10.2024, putting in all the hard work, he's had his freedom for 6 months now.
Osgar Tang, from Frenchay, South Gloucestershire succeed in passing his 🚘 test all down to the hard work he put in with his driving lessons with professional bubble instructor Martin r, Osgar gained his 🚘🔑 on 1.10.2025
Charlie Gillespie Swaine, from Bishopston,
Bristol is now free from using 🚖🚌🚂 due to him succeeding in passing his driving test first time. Having funtastic driving lessons with amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Charlie gaine his 🔑 to freedom and an essential life skill on 23.10.2025
Raphael Van-Arkadie, from Easton, Bristol
smashing his driving test first time all down to the skill he learned from amazing BubbLe instructor Matt h, Raphael has had his freedom now for 6 months and no longer uses 🚌🚖🚂 since 15.10.2024
Kathryn Williams, from Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset,
has been out and about after earning her 🚘🪪 and 🔑 to freedom, thanks to the funtastic driving lessons provided by cheeky BubbLe instructor Baillo B, Kathryn passed her test on 15.10.2024
Katharine Church, from Frenchay, South Gloucestershire
is about, having had her freedom now for 6 months, after all the chilled training given by funtastic BubbLe instructor Matt h Katherine succeeded in gaining her 🚘🔑🔑 on 7.10.2024
Ellieanna Lewis , from Yate,
South Gloucestershire earned her 🚘🪪 and her own set of 🚘🔑🔑, from the funtastic tuition provided by calm enthuastic BubbLe instructor Dan A, Ellieanna gained her wheels on 5.10.2024
Jodie chillcott, from Westerleigh,
South Gloucestershire decided an intensive course was her best option for her busy life, and so, thanks the in-depth fun training provided by BubbLe intensive instructor Sarah b, Jodie gained her driving 🪪 on 2.10.2024
Big Belated Congratulations to
David Slutskiy, from Bristol, passing his driving test all down to the incredible amazing training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Thansk to Lukas clear guidence, David passed his test on 27.9.2024
Summer Griffin,
from Brislington, bristol, passed her test under atrocious conditions back in September, from the calm tuition provided by bubble instructor Glenn A, Summer gained her 🚘🔑🔑 on 23.9.2024
The streets of Bristol has been graced with the presence of
Connie Lewis, from Knowle West,
from the fantastic and fun teachings from BubbLe instructor Baillo, Connie gained her 🔑🔑 to freedom on 19.9.2024 and has been seen by Ballio many times since, commenting how amazing her driving skills are post-test
Jasmine Smail,
from Easton, Bristol succeeding in gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 having worked hard in learning to drive from the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Matt h, Jasmie passed her driving test on 13.9.2024
Edward Felson, from Winterbourne,
South Gloucestershire, smahsing his 🚗 test first time thanks to the incrediably calm tuition provided by magnificent bubbe instructor Dan a, Edward put all the hard work in, and gained his 🔑🔑 to independence on 6.9.2024
Georgie Wainwright Knight, from Staple Hill, South Gloucestershire, succeeding with all the hard work put in, thanks to the wonderful training provided by magnificent bubbLe instructor Connor s, Georgie passed her test first time with 1 driving fault on 3.9.2024
Lewis Cook, from Long Ashton,
North Somerset, acquired his independence and freedom, thanks to the calm training provided by fabulous BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Lewis got his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 after showing the Examiner he was more than ready for the roads on 30.9.2024
Abigail Webster, from Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire, who put all the hard work in and demonstrated on the day that she is a cracking driver ready for her full uk 🚘🪪 From the amazing Driving lessons provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan A, Abigail passed her test on 23.9.2024
Sophie Jones, from Wickwar,
South Gloucestershire earned freedom gaining her own 🚘🔑🔑, after going under amazing BubbLe instructor's wing, Martin R, she passed her driving test first time thanks to the amazingly calm tuition provided, And passed her driving test on 21.9.2024
Gustavo Guntren, from Bedminster,
Bristol is now having the pleasures of winter driving, thanks to the amazing checky fun-filled tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Gustavo has had his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 since 13.9.2024
Kirsty Warren, from Staplehill,
South Gloucestershire, putting in all the grunt work, listening and implementing what she had been taught by cheeky calm BubbLe instructor Matt h, Kirsty gained her full UK and on 6.9.2024.
Holly Wright, from Ashley Down,
Bristol passed her 🚗 test first time thanks to the magnificent wonderful tuition provided by BubbLE instructor Sarah b B. With her calmin influence, Holly gained her 🚗🔑🔑 3.9.2024
Awel Rees,
from the Arches, Bristol, Passing her driving test first time with wonderful fun teaching provided by amazing Bubble instructor Lukas, Awle passed her 🚗 test and gained her 🔑🔑 to freedom on 28.8.2024
Aleksandra Buras,
from Cothamn, Bristol who has been cruising ont he streets of Bristol since 21.8.2024, thanks to the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructors Connor s and Ben m.
Sadie Wells,
from Little Stoke, South Gloucestershire has been out enjoying her freedom the last few months, thanks to the wonderful training provided by BubbLe instructor's Ben m and Martin r, Sadie put the hard work in, and succeeded in gaining her own set of on 19.8.2024
Lauren Roberts,
from Stockwood, Bristol passed her driving test back on 8th August 2024 thanks to the incredible training given by amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine c. Lauren put in the hard work, and has now been enjoying her freedom the allt few months
Kate Black, from Bath, gained her freedom after the amazing chilled training provided by wonderful Bubbe instructor Matt h, Kate put the hard work in, studied hard, and passed her test gaining her own set of 🔑🔑 to freedom on 31.8.2024
Louis Minter,
from Lawerence Hill, South Gloucestershire, has been driving on the roads now for 3 months, Passing his driving test first time with only 2 driving faults, thanks to the amazing checky driving lessons provided by BubbLe instructor Dann b, Louis gained his full UK 🚗🪪 on 22.8.2024
Saliya Bandara,
from Staplehill, has finally gained his full UK 🚗🪪 from the incrediabale tuition provided by wonderful bubble instructor Matt h, Saliya passed his driving test and gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 21.8.2024
Harriet Potter,
from Bedminster, Bristol, has been enjoying her summer cruises now, since gaining her own set of , thanks tot fun-filled driving lessons provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Ballo b, Harriet passed her driving test first time with Baillo on 20.8.2024
Emma Ludlow, from Hartcliffe, Bristol, to put her skills to the test, winter driving, having been on the road for a few months now, all down to the hard work she put in whilst learning to drive with wonderful BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Emma gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 back on 9.8.2024.
Alex Maggs,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire has been and passed their driving test, thanks to the incredibable hard work Alex put in with their instructors Kevin k and Matt h, Alex succeded in gaining their 🚗🪪 and 🔑🔑, Alex gained their freedom of independence on 31.7.2024
Lucie Clarke,
from Alveston, south Gloucestershire, put in the hard work, having professional driving lessons with amazing BubbLe instructor Nick g, with his calm teachings and whit, helped her succeed in gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 first time on her test with only 3 driving faults on 29.7.2024
Gavin Gan,
from Knowle west, Bristol has had the perfect summer drives, thanks to the calm professional lessons provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Gavining gained his 🚗🪪 and 🔑🔑 to freedom on 24.7.2024
Alice blackwell, from Bishopston, Bristol only cracked it in time for the summer holidays, thanks of the amazing friendly driving lessons provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Sarah b and her dedicated personality, Alice passed her driving test and gained her 🚗🔑🔑 on 24.7.2024
Kelcie Reed,
from whitchurch, from Bath & North East Somerset, who only managed to pass her 🚗 test on 18.10.2024 in her own car, thanks to the funtastic and professional instruction from amazing BubbLe instructor Glenn a, kKelcie gained her own 🚗🪪 and 🔑🔑 on 18.7.2024
What a great result, and timing for the summer night cruises.
Jamie Price,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire who, under the fantastic training by BubbLe instructor Dan b smashed his driving test with only 1 driving fault, succeeding in gaining his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 3.7.2024.
Umut Seven, from Bristol city center has had a fun summer, after gaining his 🔑🔑 to freedom, putting in the hard work and enjoying the fun training provided by amazing bubble instructor Nuha a, Umut passed his test on 3.1`0.2024
Adam Spence,
from Staple hill, South Gloucestershire, smashing his driving test first time, thanks to the driving lessons provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Dan b, Adam gained his to freedom on 29.7.2024
Jessica Dunkley,
from St George, Bristol, who has been out and about in her , after passing her driving test, thanks to the checky fun driving lessons provided by wonderfully calm BubbLe instructor Dan b, Jessica gained her full uk on 26.7.2024
Samuel Walsh,
from St George, Bristol only gained his freedom, not only that, but thanks to the amazing chilled teaching style of wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan b, Samuael passed his driving test first time with 0 driving faults. gaining his 🚗🔑🔑 on 22.7.2024
Jina wickmann,
from Bristol city Centre knew an automatic intensive course was right for him, under the in-depth intense training provided by Lead automatic intensive instructor Chris b, with his fun teaching skills, relaxed atmosphere and high standards, Jina passed her driving test first time on 19.7.2024
Ellie williams,
from Bedminster, Bristol who enjoyed her driving lessons with amazing BubbLe instructor Nuha a, has only been out enjoying her summer drives since 10.7.2024. Gaining her freedom and independence from public transport, now comes the hard part, winter driving.
Eloise Wilson,
from Filton, South Gloucestershire, has been ut and about in her 🚗, all down to the hard work she put in with learning to drive with BubbLe instructor Lukas b, Eloise gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 8.7.2024
Stefani georgieva,
from Warmley, South Gloucestershire, has been enjoying her summer hols, thanks to the fun training provided by chilled BubbLe instructor Matt h, Stefani smashed her test first time on 27.6.2024 gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑
Sidonie Thomas, from Hartcliffe, Bristol. Succeding in gaining her own 🚗🪪 and 🔑. Sidonie had fantastic BubbLe instructor Elaine c, who under her expert guidence, helped her gain her coinfindence and teach her how to be a great safe driver. Sidonie passed her driving test on 25.6.2024
Elisabeth Williamson,
who wanted to do an intensive course, and passed her driving test first time, thanks to the incredible intense training provided by mangnificant BubbLe intensive instructor Sarha b, Elisabeth gained her 🚗🔑 and 🪪 on 21.6.2024
Sarah stratton,
from Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, who successfully passed her driving test. Putting all the acquired knowledge, skills, and confidence taught to her by amazing bubbLe instructor Charmaine c, Sarah gained her very own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 20.6.2024
Laura wither, from Brislington, Bristol, who passed her driving test under the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor nuha a, Laura gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 18.6.2024
Corey Newell,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, has only gone and passed his 🚗 test, demonstrating he is a safe, confident, skilled, adaptive driver, thanks to the amazing tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan b, Corey gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 15.6.2024
Maia Bees,
from Shirehampton, Bristol succeeded in achieving her freedom, thanks to the incredibly chilled tuition provided by cheeky BubbLe instructor Matt h, Maia, who put all the hard work in, gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 8.6.2024
Ben Milne,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, succeeded in gaining his full UK 🚗🪪, from the incredible tuition provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Matt h, Ben put the hard work in from the guidance of Matt, and passed his test on 8.6.2024
Benjamin Newton,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, gaining his very own set of CAR KEYS, thanks to the incredible in-depth training provided by amazing bubble instructor Dan b, Benjamin now holds a FULL UK CAR LICENSE, absorbing all the tuition given, he passed his test and has been out and about driving since 6.6.2024
Emily Anne Margaret Bulmers, from Redland, Bristol is now out and about the streets of Bristol 🥳🥳 her success, earning her right to have a full UK 🚗🪪 and her own set of 🚗🔑🔑, thanks to the fantastic fun driving lessons provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Emily passed her test on 5.6.2024
Jake Paul Chivers,
from Whitchurch, Bristol decided this was the best route for him, to undergo an intensive course, and thanks to the fun and high standards training by amazing Automatic intensive BubbLe instructor Chris b, jake pushed himself into the deep end, achieved indipendence on his first time pass. gaining his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 28.6.2024
Iman Duah, from Hartcliffe, Bristol gained his 🚗🪪 and set off on the roads this summer, demonstrating what a great confident driver he is thanks to the amazing Training provided by BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Iman passed his test and gained his freedom on 26.6.2024
Becky James
has had a joyous summer, cruising in her car, after passing her driving test, all that hard work paying off thanks to the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Becky has been out and about on the roads since 22.6.2024
May Tan,
from Keynsham, Bath and North east Somerset B.a.n.e.s, has now achieved her independence, gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and full UK 🚗🪪 all down to the wonderful calm teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Charmaine c, May has been out driving since passing her 🚗 test on 20.6.2024
Callum Thomson,
from Hanham, South Gloucestershire, under the careful amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Ross l, has gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and now holds a full UK 🚗🪪, passing his test on 19.6.2024
Wiktor Szymon Rosinski,
from Bristol city, passed his driving test first time around thanks to the amazing tuition provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Lucas, Wiktor gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑on 19.6.2024
Marko Closs,
from Bishopston, Bristol smashing his CAR test, first time, all down to the hard work he put in with amazing bubbLe instructor Lucas, Marko gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and started 🥳 on 7.6.2024
Harvey King, from Kingsdown, Bristol now he's out and about in his 🚗, gaining his 🔑🔑 to freedom, showing on the day at the test centre, that everything he has been taught by amazing bubbLe instructor Lucas, made him a confident and safe driver, now the roads are open to him, Harvey has been out and about since 7.6.2024
Mia Lovell, from Knowle West, Bristol had a cracking driving instructor who trained her up to be a great confident safe driver, the amazing BubbLe instructor Baillo, Mia, has been out and about 🥳🥳 her success and freedom gained on 4.6.2024
Cracking result for you Mia, no more 🚌🚕🚂 for you
Marcus Gui, from Clifton Village, Bristol today has gained his full UK 🚗🪪, thanks to the amazing tuition provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Lukas, Marcus shown he has the skills, he has the confidence, and he is ready for the streets of Bristol, gaining his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 31.5.2024
Wong Jasmine Yi Ting, from Lockleaze, Bristol succeeded in gaining her full UK 🚗🪪 all down to the amazing indepth training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Mahamed y, Wong has been out and about singing her heart out since passing her driving test on 20.5.2024
Jess Marie, from Barton Hill, Bristol has just gained her independence and her very own set of 🚗🔑🔑, putting in all the hard work, taking in everything she had been taught by incredibly cheeky BubbLe instructor Baillo b, Jess earned her freedom on 16.5.2024
Lucy Clare Falkner, from Kingsdown, Bristol who has had a great weekend driving on the roads, after earning her full UK 🚗🪪, thanks to the incredible in-depth fun tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Lucy earned her 🚗🔑🔑 on 17.5.2024
Joesph Milsom,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire did, from the intense tuition and fun-filled lessons provided by incredible BubbLe instructor Chris b, Joesph right now is cruising the streets of bristol in his 🚗 after gaining his 🔑🔑 t freedom today 15.5.2024
Martha Miller,
from Clevedon, North Somerset, who decided that an automatic intensive course is what would work best with her busy schedule, and thanks to the incredible in-depth and intense tuition provided by BubbLe automatic intensive instructor Chris b, Marth gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 8.5.2024
Maddie w, from Southmead, Bristol passed her driving test thanks to a wonderful and amazing bubble instructor and her dad, Julian w, Maddie is now able to do all the driving to the gigs and performances with her dad as she now has her full UK 🚗🪪. Kept quiet but is now being shared for all to see. Maddie got her 🚗🔑🔑 on 2.5.2024
Robyn Gimbel,
from Box, Bath and North East Somerset, successfully passed her driving test, under the fantastic calm tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Chramiane c, who taught her all the skills needed to be a great confident driver, Robyn showed on the day she was ready fr her full UK 🚗🪪 and has been 🥳🥳 since 2.5.224
Thomas p,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire more than had his work cut out, thanks to his incredible teacher and wonderful mother, BubbLe instructor Clair p, he passed his 🚗 first time. It was touch and go as any parent would say teaching their child, but what makes this special, is this being Clair p first driving test and first time pass too. What a great result for you both, Thomas has now become Clairs personal 🚕 driver on weekends since 18.5.2024
Thomas Dennis,
from Clifton, Bristol passed his driving test on his first attempt with some shakey nervous legs, but still performed what a smashing driver he is thanks to the incredible tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Thomas gained his full UK 🚗🪪 and 🚗🔑 on 20.5.2024
Caitlin Wiggers, from Bath, has only gone and passed her 🚗 test, she's been out and about 🥳 thanks to the amaizng driving lessons given by wonderful BubbLe instructor Ross l, Caitlin earned her full UK 🚗🪪 on 20.5.2024
Sheelan Kadir,
from Bristol City Center, whose been quitely chuffed after gaining her 🔑🔑 to freedom, all down to the incredible tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Ben m, Sheelan put all the hard work in, and on the day succeeded in passing her 🚗 test on 8.5.2024
Lewis Hillier, from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire has been out 🥳🥳 his success, All down to the incrediable fun tuition provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Kris a, Lewis earned his full UK 🚗🪪 on 13.5.2024
Ridita Hussain, from Southmead, Bristol has just gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑, despite having her driving test today in the morning rush hour, which didn't stop her, and indeed tried all her skills from the incredible tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas, has gained her independence and freedom today 14.5.2024
Holly Rutherford, from Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset, passing her driving test. Holly has been out and about 🥳🥳 her success, after all the amazing tuition and fun-filled driving lesosn by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan b, Holly has held her full UK 🚗🪪 since 7.5.2024
Shreya Seegum, from Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire successfully gained their freedom and own set of 🚗🔑🔑. All down to them showing the incredible skills and confidence taught to them by cheeky BubbLe instructor Kris a, Shreya passed her driving test with flying colors on 30.4.2024
Daniel Lai,
from Bath and North East Somerset, passed his 🚗 test. Demonstrating on the day, that all the incredible training and skills taught to him by fabulous BubbLe instructor Charmaine c is what makes him a great safe confident driver and gained his 🔑 to freedom on 29.4.2024
Milli Roberts, from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, succeeded in gaining her full UK 🪪 and 🚗🔑🔑 just in the nick of time before the summer time comes, putting all her training to good use from the fabulous tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Milli passed her test on 25.4.2024
Tyrone Ricardo Mulholland , from Bath and North East Somerset(B.a.n.e.s) took onboard everything wonderful BubbLe instructor Charmaine c taught him and he managed to pass his 🚗 test and gained his 🚗🪪 on 25.4.2024
Stephanie Sopjes, from Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset(B.A.N.E.s) cracked it, after the very intense training provided by Wonderful BubbLe instructor Chris b, Stephanie has been out on the roads the last few days with her independence, passing her driving test on 22.4.2024
Erin Dew,
from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire has now acquired his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and a full UK 🚗🪪, thanks to the amazing fun training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Dan a, Erin put all the skills he been taught to the test and passed his driving test on 19.4.2024
Kwan Yui Mak,
from Lawerance Weston, Bristol who under the careful eye of phenomenal BubbLe instructor Dan m helped her succeed in passing her driving test on 18.4.2024
Sarah Walsh, from St Andrews, Bristol, decided an intensive course was the right thing for her, she booked in with part time intensive instructor Sarah b, absorbing the training, succeeded in passing her driving test first time on 16.4.2024
Lauren Long,
from Bath, B.A.N.E.s, succeeding in gaining her new essential life skill, that's right her very own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and Full UK 🪪. showing on the day what skills she has and the confidence she gained from the amazing tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Charmaine c, Lauren passed her test and started 🥳🥳 on 9.4.2024
Monika Turek,
from Bath, Bath and North East Somerset(B.AN.Es) face, commuting to Bristol for her driving lessons and successfully passing her driving test. thanks to the amazing incredible training by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan m, Monika gained her on 4.4.2024
Lauren Sockett
is out and about, from Stockwood, Bristol, smashing it the first time with only 3 minors, thanks to the in-depth training by BubbLe's wonderfully cool, calm and collected instructor Glenn a, Lauren earned her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 2.4.2024
Yihan Zhan,
from Clifton, Bristol, absorbing all the skills needed to be fantastic driver, from cool, calm and funtastic BubbLe instructor Lukas b, Yihan started 🥳🥳 after acquiring his 🚗🪪 on 30.4.2024.
Keeley-Marie moon,
from Horfield, Bristol passed her 🚗 test thanks to the incredible tuition provided by wonderfully fun BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Keeley earned her freedom and been 🥳🥳 since 30.4.2024.
Miss Sophie Draper,
from Stockwood, Bristol is out and about in the country lanes, thanks to the amazing tuition provided by wonderfully calm BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Sophie earned her full UK 🚗🪪 on 28.4.2024
Ewan Denine,
from Staple Hill, South Gloucestershire, has been 🥳🥳 his freedom, thanks to the incredible tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Dan b, Ewan passed his 🚗 test and gained his 🚗🪪 on 25.4.2024.
Beth Gladstone-Smith,
from Frampton Cotterell, South Gloucestershire smashing her driving test after all the amazing skills and confidence taught to her by wonderful bubbLe instructor Dan a, Beth gained her 🚗🪪 on 23.4.2024
Tyler Anstey,
from Stoke Bishop, Bristol as Sarah keeps seeing you about, thanks to the amazing training by friendly chilled BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Tyler earned his 🚗🪪 and 🚗🔑🔑 showing he was ready for his independence, passing his test on 20.4.2024
Maria Angele,
from Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire, has finally cracked it, after an intensive course and weekly lessons, Maria with he help of BubbLe instructors Dan a, and garry m, helped to succeed in passing her driving test gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 19.4.2024
Ian Smith, originally from America, now living in Bristol finally got his Uk 🪪 thanks to the incredible tuition provided by wonderful bubble instructor Dan m, Ian passed his driving test on 15.4.2024.
Emily Jefferson, from Brislington, Bristol has been 🥳🥳 her success for the past three weeks, earning her 🚗🪪, thanks to the incredible supportive training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Emily passed her driving test on 9.4.2024
Marcus Brook,
from Portishead, North Somerset, put all the hard work in, absorbed the intense training given to him by BubbLe instructor Chris b, and demonstrated on the day he's worth of his freedom, Marcus got his full UK 🪪 and 🚘🔑🔑 on 4.4.2024
John Koster, from Clifton, Bristol under the watchful eye of amazing bubbLe instructor Lukas, John put the hard work in and earned his own set of on 5.4.2024
Pharrell Samuels, from Patchway, South Gloucestershire, succeeded in gaining his independence, thanks to the incredible training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan a, Pharrell passed his test and ditched the 🚕🚂🚌 for his very own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 4.4.2024
Amelia Williams, from Bath, Bath and North East Somerset(B.A.N.Es) who under the motherly cheeky tuition provided by friendly BubbLe instructor Charmaine c, gained her full UK🚗🪪 on 26.3.2024
William McDade,
from Lockleaze, Bristol now officially free from 🚕🚂🚌 putting in the hard work taught to him but cheeky BubbLe instructor Dan b and his unsightly way of teaching, William got his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and has been out and about don't he streets of bristol since 22.4.2024
Daniel Cohen,
from Lawernce Hill, Bristol has been enjoying his freedom, earning his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and driving 🪪, Putting in the hard work working with amazingly calm BubbLe instructor Nuha a, Daniel got his keys to freedom on 20.3.2024
Tyler James Paisey, from South Gloucestershire, who under the amazing training provided by wonderful cheeky BubbLe instructor Lukas, Got his own 🚗🔑🔑 and driving 🪪 showing on the day that what lukas had taught him made him a safe driver and passed his test on 20.3.2024
Joanne Robinson, from Southmead, Bristol certainly did, deciding that an intensive course was the right thing for her, booked in and took her training with Wonderfully calm BubbLe instructor Sarah b, and only gone and got her 🚘🪪, after the intense training and absorbing the skills drilled in, Joanne got her very own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 20.3.2024
Sidorella Olloni,
from Keynsham, Bath and North east Somerset has only gone and got her very own set of 🚗🔑🔑, thanks to the phemonial training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Matt h, Sidorella gained her 🚗🪪 on 18.3.2024
Taijaan deCordova,
from Soundwell, South Gloucestershire, decided an intensive course was what they wanted to do, so under the careful in-depth and high standard training provided by Automatic Intensive course BubbLe instructor Chris b, Taijann gained their own 🚘🪪 and 🚗🔑🔑 on 18.3.2024
Thomas Priday,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, has only gone and got his 🚘🪪, thanks to the in-depth training, and quality intensive tuition provided by amazing Automatic Intensive BubbLe instructor Chris b, Thomas put in all the hard work, and gained his 🪪 on 15.3.2024
Scott Hamilton,
from Filton, South Gloucestershire demonstrated thanks to the amazing training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Dan a, that he's worthy of having his own 🚗🪪 and 🔑🔑, smashing his driving test on 14.3.2024.
Rachael Simms-Moore,
from Frenchy, south Gloucestershire has only gone and been on the roads since passing her test on 14.3.2024, Showing all the safe driving practices that she was taught by Wonderful BubbLe instructor Martin r
Ashley Hartrey,
from Hengrove, Bristol gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 after learning his freedom, from the amazing in-depth training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Ashley passed their test on 12.3.2024
Jess Thomson,
from Cromhall, South Gloucestershire smashing success, and gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑, taking onboard everything she was taught, and demonstrating the skills amazing bubbLe instructor Tony h had tutored, Jess passed her driving test on 13.3.2024.
Keiran Ratclliffe,
from Knowle, Bristol has gained his freedom with his own driving 🪪 and 🚗🔑🔑, thanks to the incredible training provided by phenomenon BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Kieron passed his test with flying colors on 4.3.2024
Edward Mullins, from Knowle West, Bristol finally achieved his goal of gaining his own full UK driving 🪪, putting in the work after all the training amazing BubbLe instructor Kris a, done to help, Edward gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 1.3.2024
Insung Jeung,
from St George, Bristol has finally got his UK 🚗🪪 after updating his driving skills to the UK standard thanks to the incredible intensive tuition provided by BubbLe Automatic intensive instructor Chris b, Insung passed his driving test on 27.3.2024
Lov Thapa,
from Whitchurch, Bristol passing his driving test thanks to his Instructor, Nuha a, who taught him all the skills he needs to be a safe confident driver. Lov passed his driving test on 23.3.2024
George Woodward
is about, from Redland, Bristol, demonstrated to the DVSA examiner that he was ready for his own full UK driving 🪪 from the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas, with his fun cheeky training helped George pass his driving test with 0 driving faults on 21.3.2024
Charlotte Haines is out and about, from Brislington, Bristol, she's been enjoying the freedom of the roads for the past month, thanks to the incredible tuition provided by BubbLe instructor Nuha a, Charlotte gained her full UK driving 🪪 and 🚗🔑🔑 on 21.3.2024
Amanda Lordemann,
from Clifton, Bristol smashing her test after the calm chilled training Provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Dan m, Amanda gained her on 20.3.2024
Lucia Huskova,
from Hartcliffe, Bristol after showing on the day, she's a great safe competent driver, all down to the incredible advice and training by BubbLe instructor Craig m, Lucia got her 🚗🪪 and 🔑🔑 to freedom on 20.3.2024
Luc Rossi,
from Easton, Bristol, succeeding and showing what a great driver Luc is, thanks to the in-depth fun tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Matt h, who gained his keys and got ride of all the 🚕🚂🚌 on 19.3.2024
Kamsey Ikechukwu,
from Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset is stalking the streets with her freedom, thanks to the great calm training provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Charmaine c, Kamsey got her 🚗🔑🔑 on 18.3.2024
Frankie Bristow,
from st George, bristol putting in the effort on the day, from all the great training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Dan b, Frankie earned his 🚗🔑🔑 on 18.3.2024
Chloe Jackson,
from Brislington, Bristol who under the amazing clam tuition provided by BubbLe instructor elaine c, got her own 🚗🔑🔑 showing on the day shes a safe driver, Chloe passed her driving test on 14.4.2024
Lucy Harris is on the roads, from Stockwood, Bristol passing her driving test thanks to the patience and understanding training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Elaine c, Lucy got her 🚗🪪 on 13.4.2024
Kieran Betts, from Yate, South Gloucestershire who, under the amazing tuition provided by fantastic BubbLe instructor Dan a, Gained his freedom on the roads on 13.3.2024
Jacade Simpson,
from eastville, Bristol succeeded in showing the DVSA examiner she's ready for her own set of 🔑🔑 to freedom, and Independence, thanks to the amazing funtastic training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Ross l, Jacade passed their test on 11.3.2024
Ashely Han,
from Knowle Bristol is now free from 🚌🚂🚕, having earned her very own set of 🚘🔑. Thanks to the amazing Calm tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Nuha a, Ashley passed her driving test for the first time on 10.3.2024
Dr Swift,
from Bristol, has finally cracked it gaining her freedom and being able to be a lot more mobile, thanks to the great in-depth fun training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Dr Swift gained her driving 🪪 on 6.3.2024
Isabelle Hall, from Downend, South Gloucestershire has cracked it gaining her own 🚗🔑🔑 and driving 🪪 thanks to the amazing tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Isabelle put all the hard work in and passed her test on 26.2.2024
Ka Chung Yip,
from Bristol, finally gained his UK driving 🪪 putting in so much hard work after undergoing an intensive course with BubbLe instructors Garry m, and Russ m, Ka finally got his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 26.2.2024
Tyashia Patterson,
from Easton, Bristol gained her freedom thanks to the amazing calm training by wonderful BubbLe instructor Matt h, Matt got her more than prepared for her test, he taught her how to be a great safe driver, and Tyashia, proved she was ready when she passed her 🚗 test on 23.2.2024
Niamh Phillips,
from Stoke Gifford, South Gloucestershire gaining her own driving 🪪 thanks the the amazing tuition provided by friendly BubbLe instructor Elaine c, who taught her how to be a great safe driver, Niamh gained her own 🚗🔑🔑 and 🪪 on 22.2.2024
Logan McKinstrie,
from Ashley Down, Bristol was ready for the big day, after taking everything onboard from her amazing Bubble instructor Dan m, Logan passed her 🚗 test with flying colors and gained her 🔑🔑 to independence on 21.2.2024
Hoi Hei Lai, from Emerson's Green, South Gloucestershire Cracked it gaining his freedom, a long time coming but thanks to the great tuition provided by the phenomenal BubbLe instructor Dan m, Hoi gained his independence on 16.2.2024
Tesleem Fagade,
from Old Market, Bristol has been on the roads for a month now, thanks to the calm, and skilled tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Nuha a, Tesleem gained his new essential life skill and 🚗🔑🔑 on 13.2.2024
Ashton Clarke,
from Iron Acton, South Gloucestershire, has been out and bout driving his own 🚗 after gaining his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 from passing his test, thanks to the great in-depth tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Dan a, Ashton has been on the roads on his own since 12.2.2024
Santiago Sanchez Villacreses, from Fishponds, South Gloucestershire who, under the calm funfilled training provided by skillful bubbLe instructor Ross L, got his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 after he passed his test on 9.2.2024.
Luke Claflin, from Clifton, Bristol gaining his freedom now, from the clam, expert tuition provided by cheeky BubbLe Instructor Dan m, Luke no longer needs 🚌🚕🚂, since he has his 🔑🔑 to freedom, showing on the day what a great and safe driver he is passing his test first time, with only one driving fault on 6.2.2024
Welcome to the roads Luke, keep up the amazing driving skills Dan taught you.
Andy Curtis, from Frampton Cotterell, South Gloucestershire passed his driving test and has been out on the roads for the last 2 months, thanks the incredibly cool tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Tony h, Andy passed his test on 7.2.2024
Isabel Shepp, from Downend, South Gloucestershire who, under the amazing expert eye of BubbLe instructor sarah b, has had her own set of 🔑🔑 to freedom, since she passed her driving test on 2.2.2024, on the day, she more than demonstrated shes ready for her freedom thanks to Sarah b wonder teaching.
Andrew Matson, from Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire, ho really put the work in on his automatic intensive course, thanks to the high standard of training by amazing BubbLe instructor Chris b, Andrew smashed his 🚗 test and gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 1.2.2024
Sofia Marstin,
from Bedminster, Bristol who gained her 🚗🔑 and driving 🪪 first time with only 5 driving faults. Thanks to the great training by amazing BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Sofia passed her driving test on 29.2.2024
James Lopresti, from Withywood, Bristol decided he wanted to do an intensive, well under the amazing in-depth and intensive training provided by BubbLe instructor Sarah b, James succeeded in passing his driving test, gaining his 🪪 and 🔑🔑 to freedom on 26.2.2024
Lewis Ware,
from Filton, South Gloucestershire, who was ready for this day, from the great training provided by fantastic BubbLe instructor Dan a, Lewis put all the skills he had been taught to the test, literally, and gained his driving 🪪 on 26.2.2024
Izobelle Humphrey,
from Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset B.A.N.Es, Gained her driving 🪪 and 🔑🔑 to freedom thanks to the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Matt h, with his calm teaching style, Izobelle passed her driving test first time on 23.2.2024
Michael Gavartin,
from Collage Green, Bristol succeeded in gaining his freedom, thanks to the amazing in-depth training provided by chilled BubbLe instructor Lukas, Michael got his 🔑 to freedom on the roads on 22.2.2024
Kawsar Omar, from Henbury, Bristol now has her own set of 🚗🔑🔑, her own driving 🪪, and now doesn't need to wait for the 🚌, From the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Kawsar gained her freedom on 21.2.2024
Sarah Dawes,
from Bristol, finally gained her freedom, after the careful training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Sarah put all the skills she had been taught to the test, literally, and gained her 🔑🔑 to freedom on 19.2.2024
Nikita Haines,
from Redfield, South Gloucestershire has gained her own driving License, and well earned too, showing the examiner she's ready for her freedom, after putting all the hard work in she was taught by amazing BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Nikita got her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 15.2.2024
William Nash, from Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire did it, from the wonderful in-depth tuition provided by Bubble's newest instructor Dan b, Dan helped him get his skills to the highest standards expected, and William got his own set of 🔑🔑 to freedom when he passed his test on 13.2.2024
Hannah Williams,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire who is now the family 🚕 driver, thanks to the fun, check training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Hannah, Jenny is already missing her lessons with you, but she is so proud you passed your test on 12.2.2024
Luke Lanyon-Hogg,
from Bradley stoke, South Gloucestershire, has done it, and been on the roads now for 5 weeks, thanks to the calm training provided by phenomenal BubbLe instructor Dan a, Luke gained his freedom passing his 🚗 test on 8.2.2024
Grace prior,
from Frampton cotterell, South Gloucestershire, has been out terrorising the streets since she passed her driving test thanks to the incredible training provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Tony h on 8.2.2024
Josh Walmsley,
from Clifton, Bristol put the work in, and passed his driving test first time, showing what a fantastic safe driver he is with only 1 driving fault, thanks to the fun, cheeky tuition by BubbLe instructor Lukas, Josh gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 2.2.2024
Jack Canham,
from St Agnes, Bristol has been out and about thanks to the amazing tuition provided by the calm, cool, and fun training of BubbLe instructor Sarah b. No more 🚌🚕🚂 for Jack, since he got his 🔑 to freedom on 1.2.2024
Nickles Wickremasinghe,
from Lawerence Weston, Bristol has been out on the roads since the wonderful Nick G taught him how to drive safely and confidently, Nickles has been out and about since 30.1.2024.
Lily Juleff,
from Bishopston, Bristol, succeeding of being free from 🚌🚌 and 🚕🚕, gaining her independence thanks to the great calm tuition provided by BubbLe instructor Lukas, Lily has been out and about the streets of Bristol since 30.1.2024
Yin Hon Chan, from Patchway, South Gloucestershire passed his 🚘 test first-time around with only 1 driving fault, showing all the skills he was taught by wonderfully checky BubbLe instructor Dan m, Yin passed his test and gained his own set of 🔑🔑 to freedom on 29.1.2024
Caprice Earlington-Maclean , from St Jude's Bristol, who, under the friendly approachable and calm training provided by wonderfully calm BubbLe instructor Matt h, has only gone and got her freedom, no more needing to use the 🚌🚌 now she has her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 since 22.1.2024.
Thomas Crowle,
from Bristol, who absorbed all the training information given by amazing BubbLe instructor Ross l, passed his test and gained his independence on 19.1.2024
Patryk Smorowinski,
from Southmead, Bristol, under the careful expert eye of amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Patryk more than put the work in to learn the skills for independent driving, Gaining his 🔑 to freedom first time pass with only 3 driving faults on 17.1.2024
Martin Blunden,
from st George, Bristol who succeeded in passing his driving test thanks to the calm level headed teaching from Wonderful BubbLe instructor Ross L, Martin gained his 🔑 to freedom on 16.1.2024
Amber Barson,
from Midsomer Norton, Bath and North East Somerset, gaining her own 🚘🔑🔑 thanks to the amazing, calm, and fun training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Charmaine c, Amber gained her independence on 11.1.2024
Jennifer Adjoa,
from Pathcway, South Gloucestershire, gained her 🚗🔑🔑 to freedom after showing what a cracking driver she is. Jennifer decided to do an Automatic Intensive Course with wonder BubbLe instructor Chris b, and when it came down to the test day she smashed it. Gaining her independence on 10.1.2024
Chloe Whitaker,
from Brislington, Bristol, absorbing all the instruction and training By amazing BubbLe Instructor Baillo B, passed her 🚗 test and gaining her 🔑🔑 to freedom on 7.1.2024
Luke Parker,
from Bedminster, after undergoing a intensive course with amazing bubbLe instructor Sarah b, luke passed his driving test first time gaining his 🚗🔑 on 5.1.2024
Owen horseman,
from Brentry, Bristol succeeded in smashing his test from the fantastic in-depth training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Owen gained his 🚗🔑 to freedom on 4.1.2024
A massive belated well done to you Owen, hope you have been enjoying your new independence
Daniel Smith,
from Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire succeeding in gaining his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 showing on the day his amazing driving skills that was taught to him by amazing BubbLe instructor Matt h, Daniel passed his test on 3.1.2024
Kemi Adesiyan,
from St George, South Gloucestershire, succeeded in getting her full UK driving license, thanks to the amazing, reliable training provided by BubbLe Instructor Baillo, Kemi showed on the day she is ready for her freedom and passed her 🚗test on 31.1.2024
Jake Larcombe,
from Brislington, Bristol has gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 to freedom, thanks to the amazingly chilled training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Baillo, Jakes been on the roads since 29.1.2024
Rebecca Gaffney,
from Lawerence Hill, Bristol, who smashed it, first-time around with the wonderful tuition provided by BubbLe instructor Nuha a, Rebecca has been out and about driving since 29.1.2024
Laura Taylor,
from Brislington, bristol, who did a 42 hour course with amazing bubbLe instructor Chris b, smashed her driving test first-time, Under Chris expert intensive training she passed her test with the skills she had learned on 25.1.2024.
Zachary wlaznik,
from Bristol, who under the amazing training provided by his aunty, BubbLes fun, and checky Jenny w, how helped him pass his test first time around with only 1 driving fault. Gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 22.1.2024 and has got no excuses for being late to his Sunday dinner with his aunty now.
Oliver Lucas Jagroop,
from Cotham, Bristol smashing his 🚘 test first time around with 0 driving faults, showing all the hard work he learned from his wicked BubbLe instructor Lukas, gaining his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and freedom on 18.1.2024
Chanel trudie Phelps,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, who under the check eye of amazing BubbLe instructor Jenny w, passed her driving test first time, demonstrating that's she's fully competent, safe, and ready for independence, gained her License on 17.1.2024
Sam Aldred,
from Fishponds, south Gloucestershire, gaining his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 thanks to the amazing tuition provided by wonderfully calming bubbLe instructor Ross l, Sam showed on the day what a cracker of a safe driver he is, showing he's more then ready for his full driving license, passing his test on 15.1.2024
Jessica Smith,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, Having undergone intensive Training with amazing BubbLe instructor Chris b, Jessica passed her test with flying colors on 11.1.2024
Joe Mott,
from Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire, Cracked it, thanks to the calm refreshing teachings by amazing BubbLe instructor Ross L, Joe passed his test with 0 driving faults on 10.1.2024
Alex Kennedy,
from Keynsham, Bath and North east somerset, whose been out and about for the last month having gained his 🚗🔑 to independence thanks to the amazing wonderful training by BubbLe instructor Ross l. Alex passed his 🚘 test on 6.1.2024
Mika Curtis, from Lyde Green, South Gloucestershire, has been belting out the tunes down the A4174, after gaining her freedom thanks to the amazing tuition provided by amazing bubble instructor Ross L, Mika passed her test on 5.1.2024
Emily Morgan,
from Stockwood, smashed her driving test 1st time around with only 1 driving fault, what a smashing achievement to start the new year, showing on test all the skills she had learned from wonderful BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Emily passed her test on 4.1.2024
Yeuk Sze CHAN,
from Emerson's Green, south Gloucestershire, succeeding and has been driving independently since 3.1.2024 from the calm, amazing, cheeky training by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m.
Joshua Persechini,
from Clifton, Bristol succeeding in gaining his independence under the funny training provided by amazing BubbLe Instructor Baillo B, Joshua passed his test on 20.12.2024
B McNamara,
from Staple Hill, South Gloucestershire nabbed this pass just in time, thanks to the great fun chilled training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Matt h, B passed his driving test and gained his own 🚘🔑🔑 on 16.12.2023
Florrence Lily Earle, from Horfield Bristol smashed it, thanks to the incredible training by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas. Florrence passed her test in time for xmas on 15.12.2023
Watch out,
Pamela Erkoqi
is about, smashing it from he fantastic tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Lukas, Pamela gained her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 8.12.2023
Nathan Smith,
from Long Ashton, North Somerset, is now no longer stuck in the middle of nowhere, Thanks to the fantastic training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Nathan is now able to go anywhere without relying in his family, friends or a bus. Nathan passed his test on 5.12.2023
Lucy Aydin,
from Redland, Bristol has had her freedom for a month now just in time for Christmas and new years. What a success, all thanks to the amazing fantastic training by BubbLe instructor Marcus s. Lucy passed her test on 5.12.2023
Taite Hall, from Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire has been out and about thanks to the amazing training given by BubbLe instructor dan a, passing his test first time on 4.12.2023
Well this is a double success for both
Luke Bennet
from St Werburgh's Bristol and Amazing new BubbLe instructor Dan b, first time test pass for both of them. Luke passed his test on 1.12.2023,
Sunil Varghese,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire is out and about, so watch out, after showing how skilled a driver he is from the great tuition by amazing bubbLe instructor Ross l, Sunil passed his test on 12.12.2023
Max Michalak,
from Brislington, Bristol has finally cracked it, passing his test thanks to the great calm training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Ross l, max passed on 7.12.2023
More freedom before Christmas and the new year, welcoming to the roads,
Mac West,
from little Stoke, South Gloucestershire succeeding in gaining his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 thanks to the great tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Kevin k, Mac passed his test on 6.12.2023
Cathy Cheung ,
from Little Stoke, South Gloucestershire succeeded in passing her test first time, putting in all the hard work, taught by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, Cathy passed her test on 5.12.2023
Rachael Kelly,
from Filwood park, Bristol has been out and about now for a month, after the amazing encouraging training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Elaine, Rachael passed her test first time on 4.12.2023
Well success goes to
Marc Gimbel, from bath, who under amazing tuition and a 12 hour course with intensive BubbLe instructor Chris b, passed his test first time on 3.12.2023
Aisha Eveleigh,
from Bedminster has had her freedom now for over a month, thanks to the great training provided by amazing automatic bubble instructor nuha a, aisha passed her test on 29.11.2023
We want to shout it out from the rooftops
Marcus Fenby
from Warmley has passed his driving test today with the help of BubbLe instructor Matt. Well deserved. passed his test on 28.11.2023
Get ready, get steady, and go go go
Lewis Almey
from Southmead you are now a fully qualified driver, with instruction from BubbLe driving instructor Lukas. Drive safely and happily. passed his test on 28.11.2023
Fishponds will never be the same for
Jenny Guerra
as she no longer has to rely on public transport to get about. Jenny passed her test with the help of Bubble instructor Ross. passed her test on 27.11.2023
Christmas has come early for
Raqel Green
from north Somerset after being successful in passing her driving test with BubbLe instructor Singe. passed her test on 25.11.2023
The smile couldn’t get any bigger for
Hollie Muir
from Fishponds when the result of her driving test was broken to her PASSED! With the help of BubbLe instructor Ross. passed her test on 22.11.2023
Glad tidings for
Freddie Saunders
from Coalpit Heath when he passed his test with BubbLe driving instructor Matt. passed his test on 21.11.2023
Faye Perryman
from Yate had her wish granted to be driving independently by Christmas Faye smashed her driving test exam with the help of BubbLe instructor Matt. passed her test on 21.11.2023
Emily Lowe
from Brislington received an early Christmas present when she learnt to drive with BubbLe instructor Glenn and passed her driving test. All your hard work paid off Emily. passed her test on 14.11.2023
Headline news!
Alex Wajtowicz
from Bs7 passed his driving test and is celebrating with the tuition from Intensive instructor Chris B. passed his test on 14.11.202
Celebrations were ringing in
Ollie McCarthys
head when he heard he passed his driving test with the help of BubbLe driving instructor Elaine. Knowle will be pleased to have you on their roads. You smashed it! passed his test on 13.11.2023
Trumpets sounded and angels sang when
Will Sheere
from Kingswood passed his test with BubbLe instructor Ross. Just in time for Christmas. well done. passed his test on 9.11.2023
When you think life couldn’t get any better think again!
Jack Taylor
from Longwell Green is ecstatic he passed his test with BubbLe instructor Ross. passed her test on 6.11.2023
Stoke Gifford is now Dom Evans playground after passing his driving test from the great fun training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Kevin k, dom passed his test on 28.11.2023
Bristol roads beware! Welcome the newly qualified driver
Amelie Moore
from Headley Park to your roads. Taught by BubbLe driving instructor Elaine passed her test on 28.11.2023
No need to rely on lifts any more
Tara Rowlands
from Bristol you have now become legally independent to drive on your own after passing your test with Intensive Bubble instructor Chris B passed her test on 28.11.2023
Trumpets sounded when
Fiona Baker from Bradley Stoke passed her driving test with BubbLe instructor Martin. passed her test on 27.11.2023
Fantastic news came
James Wilson’s way when the examiner gave a pass in his driving test, with instruction from Bubble driving instructor Elaine. Well done. We are sure Knowle Roads will welcome you. passed her test on 24.11.2023
Nothing beats the joy on a pupil’s face when they are told they passed their test. Equally so to
Rainie Liu from Bradley Stoke. You did it! With the help of BubbLe driving instructor Dan A. passed her test on 21.11.2023
What a difference a day makes … when you are told you did it! You have passed! That day came to
Berk Degirmena
from St George with the help from Bubble instructor Ross. passed his test on 21.11.2023
Faye Perryman
from Yate had her wish granted to be driving independently by Christmas Faye smashed her driving test exam with the help of BubbLe instructor Matt. passed her test on 17.11.2023
Wonderful news came to
Rosa MacDonald
from Knowle when she passed her test with the help from BubbLe instructor Elaine. Fabulous result! passed her test on 15.11.2023
Evie Taylor
from Frampton Cotterell was celebrating when she passed her driving test with BubbLe instructor Martin You are a Star! passed her test on 14.11.2023
Freedom of Bristol roads is granted to
Rebecca Cole from Horfield now she is fully qualified to drive legally with the help of BubbLe instructor Nuha. Congratulations Rebecca! passed her test on 13.11.2023
BubbLe instructor Sarah Jayne was also cheering when
Nancy Nganga
from Avonmouth, Bristol passed her driving test. Fabulous! passed her test on 13.11.2023
A very well done to
Chris Yates
of yate passing his test with BubbLe instructor Dan A passed her test on 9.11.2023
Bristol will you please welcome a new legal driver. Lindsay Adams
from The Arches, Bristol has got the keys to independent driving with BubbLe instructor Lukas. passed her test on 25.10.2023
Bubble instructor Jamal shared
David Hecklesmuller
from Bs1 delight when David heard he now can be a legal driver, on passing his driving exam. Way to go David. passed his test on 21.10.2023
News spread far and wide when
Oihenart Garai
from Newport, Wales successfully passed his test with Bubble instructor Lukas. We knew you could do it! passed his test on 20.10.2023
Matt Thumser
from St. Werburghs, Bristol was jumping up and down with joy when the examiner confirmed he had just passed his driving exam with the help of BubbLe instructor Dan M passed his test on 19.10.2023
Stop the press!
Gabriea Claire from Bs7 passed her driving test with the help of BubbLe driving tutor Alessandra. Fantastic news. passed her test on 17.10.2023
Joshua Charlesworth moved to Langford with a driving test pass in his hand thanks to Bubble driving instructor Sarah Jayne. passed her test on 14.10.2023
Zhylen Mutafora from Warmley is confidently driving legally after passing his driving test with BubbLe instructor Ross. You hit the ball out of the park Zhylen. passed her test on 10.10.2023
Well, Midsomer Norton has welcomed a new driver to the streets,
Tyler Sartain
passed his driving test thanks to the incredible training provided by wonderful bubble instructor Steve r, Tyler gained his 🚘🔑 on 9.10.2023
Brislington also extended their arms to
Emma Loader
when she also passed with BubbLe instructor Nuha. Way to go Emma passed her test on 2.10.2023
Many congratulations to
Cassidy MacGovern
from Bristol city centre with the help of Bubble instructor Jamal has passed their driving test. What a result! passed her test on 21.10.2023
Safe and happy driving is wished to
Ryan Collacott
from Kingswood after he too passed his driving test with the help of BubbLe driving school. Ryans teacher was Dan M. Congratulations. passed her test on 20.10.2023
We are sure tears of happiness were shed when
Jemima Gibbs
from Bs6 shared her news of passing her driving test with the tuition of BubbLe instructor Lukas. A big pat on the back Jemima. passed her test on 19.10.2023
Mae Ti
from Kingsdown, Bristol got in the driving school car with instructor Nuha from BubbLe driving school she could only wish she would step out the car with a pass in her driving exam that wish was indeed granted. Well done Mae Ti. passed her test on 17.10.2023
I hear keys to the road of freedom jangling in
James Murray’s
pocket from Keynsham after he passed his driving test with BubbLe instructor Matt. Safe happy driving James. passed his test on 13.10.2023
I am sure the trumpets played when they heard
Shaun Sweet
from Warmley had been successful in his driving exam. Shaun’s tutor Ross was equally impressed. Well done. passed her test on 9.10.2023
Cameron Taylor,
from Temple Cloud, Bath and North East Somerset smashed his test and been his family taxi driver ever since passing on 2.10.2023 thank to the fun filled training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Steve r
BubbLe driving instructor Jenny W was absolutely delighted for her pupil
Capriella Hooper
from Kingswood when news of her success in passing her driving test was confirmed to both of them. Fantastic result Capriella. passed her test on 2.10.2023
Ilmarsh Brauceys from Bristol City Center, has been celebrating when the news came in of a pass test result for Ilamrsh. Brilliant news! passed his test on 28th September 2023
Yunyan Li
from Hotwells, Bristol has been celebrating with a test pass with the help of BubbLe driving school Instructor Jamal, well done Yunyan. passed her test on 27th September 2023
Tom Beale
has been about driving all around Bath, after passing his test with amazing BubbLe instructor Steve r. Well done tom. Tom passed his test on 27th September 2023
Stop the press!
Grafton Robinson
should be front page news. After all he passed his driving test with BubbLe tutor Dan M. Very well done Grafton. passed his test on 27th September 2023
I am sure
Fendi Haynes from Kingswood cannot find the words to express his happiness when he passed his driving test, and we are sure he will miss all the laughs and jokes with his BubbLe instructor Dan M. passed her test on 25th September 2023
No more waiting for Buses now
Jordan Bebbington from Pill, North Somerset, after being so successful with your driving test. showing you have the skills taught to you by amazing bubbLe instructor Sarah b. Independent travelling from now on Jordan well done. passed his test on 19th September 2023.
Nicole Barnes, from Paulton, Bath and North east Somerset, succeeding in hggaining her independence and new essential life skill, thanks to the amazing training from wonderful BubbLe instructor Steve r, Nicole passed her test and gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 14.9.2023
Mathieu Lee, from Kingwood, South Gloucestershire, has now gained his own set of 🚗🔑 after only learning to drive for a short while with amazing bubbLe instructor Matt h, Mathieu passed his test on 11.9.2023
Su, from Yate, South Gloucestershire, succeeding in gaining her freedom and essential life skill, after putting in all the hard work that wonderfully chilled BubbLe instructor tony h taught her, she passed her test and gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 7.9.2023
Archie Didcoot,
from st Anne's, Bristol who put all the hard work in, from he amazing training given by amazing BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Archie gained his own 🔑🔑 to freedom and smashed his 🚗 test on 4.9.2023
Joe Bolton,
from Clevedon, North Somerset, thanks to the amazingly chilled fun teaching from wonderful BubbLe instructor Singe g, hope passed his 🚗 test and has been out celebrating his freedom since 3.9.2023
Brislington roads opened their arms wide with welcome after
Natasha Morgan
smashed her driving exam with a pass with Bubble instructor Nuha teaching her. Great news Natasha. passed her test on 30th September 2023
A very special day for
Lillian Ossano
from Iron Acton when she passed her driving test with BubbLe driving instructor Dan M. I’m sure celebrations could be heard all over town. Brilliant! passed her test on 27th September 2023
Well he's been out and about,
Cade Shopland-Wright, from Alveston, south Gloucestershire passed his driving test showing the great skills he has from amazing bubbLe instructor Kevin k. No more busses for you cade. He passed his test on 27.9.2023
Chilled BubbLe instructor Matt was positive his pupil
Shane Ponter from Barrs Court would pass his driving test. Guess what, he was right. Fantabbydozy, Shane. passed his test on 27th September 2023
A very big smile was on
Taylor Shermans
from Bs1 face when the result of a test pass reached his ears with tutor Dan M. Safe driving Taylor. passed her test on 25th September 2023
We wonder if
Amy Watts
cruised down the sea front at Weston-super-mare in her own car in celebration of passing her driving test with BubbLe tutor Singe. If she hasn’t I bet she will soon. Congrates Amy. passed her test on 24th September 2023
Fun lessons with Dan M paid off for
Charlotte Stevens
from Lyde green, South Gloucestershire, after she passed her driving test with BubbLe instructor Dan M. Brilliant news Charlotte. passed her test on 15th September 2023
Kathryn Jeanes, from Combe Down in Bath, Bath and North East Somerset succeed in passing her test, after a period of bad luck personally, motherly training and support from wonderful BubbLe instructor Charmaine c, helped her succeed in passing her test finally. Gaining her own set of 🔑🔑 to freedom on 14.9.2023.
Thea Chetcuti, from Bristol has been and got her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 after smashing her test first time round thanks to the amazing wonderful training from bubbLe instructor Matt h., Theo took everything on board, and put it to good use on the day and passed her driving test on 6.9.2023.
Alex Calder,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, who under the expert and chilled training by fantastic BubbLe instructor Tony h, Alex put all the hard work in and smashed his test gaining his 🚗🔑🔑 to freedom on 4.9.2023
Chama Mattick, from Chilcompton, Bath and North East Somerset, gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 after mhsing her test from the amazing fun training provided by wonderful bubble instructor Charmaine c, Chama passed her test on 3.9.2023
Lydia Hughes,
from Brislington, Bristol, has been working hard with her fantastic BubbLe instructor Elaine c, and putting all the effort in, learning all Elaine can teach, showed on the day, that she is worthy of having her independence. smashing her 🚗 test first time around, Lydia has been out 🥳🎉🎉 since 30.8.2023
Kieran Blake,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, smashed his driving test, having spent his time learning from wonderful bubbLe instructor Dan a, Kieran put the effort in, learned all he could and succeeded on the day, passing his 🚗 test on 25.8.2023
Kosma Filipski,
from fishponds, South Gloucestershire, passing his test first time with only 3 driving faults, after showing the skills he been taught by amazing bubbLe instructor Dan m, Kosma passed his driving test on 23.8.2023
Franki Hackett,
from Bath, Bath and North east somerset, whose passed her test first time around thanks to the fantastic training by friendly BubbLe instructor Steve r, Franki put all the hard work in listened carefully, and demonstrated on the day she is worthy of her freedom, passing her 🚗 test on 18.8.2023
Katy Jones, from Yate, South Gloucestershire absorbing all the knowledge and training from amazing bubbLe instructor Dan a, Katy demonstrated on the sunny day that she was right to be let go and drive on her own, Passing her test on 16.8.2023
Libby Honan, from Clifton, Bristol, who thanks to BubbLe instructor Marcus s, Gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 shwning what a cracking driver she is and passing her driving test first time around on 15.8.2023
Abby Hooper,
from whitchurch, Bristol, gaining her own freedom and independence after passing her 🚗 test, after all the safe driving skills shed been taught by magnificent bubbLe instructor elaine c, Abby passed her test and began her 🥳 10.8.2023
Mercedes long, from Knowle, Bristol has been out and about the past month on her long summer drives, thanks to the fantastic training and funfilled lessons provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Craig m, Mercedes is now the designated family driver for her parents don't he weekends after passing her test on 9.8.2023
Jordan parkyn,
from st George, Bristol who, under the amazing intense training by Automatic intensive BubbLe instructor chris b, instilled all the skills he needs to be a great safe driver. Jordan passed his 🚗 test and gained his 🔑 to freedom on 7.8.2023
Jorge Monroy Ruz,
from Bedminster, Bristol successfully smashed his driving test first time around, thanks to the in-depth intensive training provided by Automatic Intensive BubbLe instructor Chris b, Jorge put all them skills to use and passed his driving test on 1.8.2023
Ashley Mullen,
from Lawerence Weston, Bristol smashing it with the amazing calm training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Rob s, Ashleuy passed their test on 31.8.2023 a great finish for the summer time.
Euan Robert A. Merrilees,
from Redland, Bristol, is a fantastic driver, after receiving fun cheeky driving lessons from wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas, Euan smashed his 🚗 test on 30.8.2023
Caleb Stride,
from Stoke Gifford, South Gloucestershire has succeeded in passing his 🚗 test after training under fantastic bubbLe instructor Kevin k, Caleb started 🥳🎉🎉 his success on 28.8.2023
Flo Adams,
from Bath, Bath and north east somerset, Gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and has been enjoying long summer drives, thanks to the fantastic in-depth training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Steve r, Flo shown on the day her skills and confidence driving and passed her test on 23.8.2023
Phuong Nguyen, from Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset, smashing her driving test first time round, from the calming fun training provided by fantastic BubbLe instructor Charmaine, Showing on the day how great a driver she is, Phuong gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 17.8.2023
Hannah Cash,
from Long Ashton, Bristol passing first time around from the great calm training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Nuha a, Hannah showed that the skills taught to her by Nuha was everything she needed to be a great driver, and gained her own 🚗🔑🔑 on 16.8.2023
Micheal Brumby,
from Brislington, Bristol smashing it, succeeding in gaining his freedom on the roads, from he great teachings of amazing bubbLe instructor Craig m, Michel showed that he is a safe driver, skilled driver thanks to craigs help, and passed his test on 16.8.2023
Charlie Horler,
from Bishopsworth, Bristol whose been belting the tunes out for the last 2 months now, having passed her driving test first time round, thanks to the fantastic training provided by cool calm collected BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Charlie passed her test on 11.8.2023
Laura Abrahams, from Stockwood, Bristol, smashing her driving test first time thanks to the amazing training by wonderful bubbLe instructor Glenn a, Laura passed her driving test on 9.8.2023 and is now the personal taxi driver for her mum and dad now.
Caitlin Lord ,
from Yate South Gloucestershire, succeeded in gaining her own 🚗🔑🔑. Putting all the effort in the learning process, from the amazing calm training provided by wonderfully cheeky BubbLe instructor Dan a, Caitlin passed her driving test and has been 🥳 since 4.8.2023
Aimee walker,
from Portishead, North Somerset smashing her test first time around, after a lot of private practice and doing an Automatic intensive course, Chris b got her so confident, and competent during the intense training, Aimee passed her test on 3.8.2023
Michal Holdynski,
from Southmead, Bristol succeeded in gaining his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 from all the intense training he underwent with wonderful Automatic Intensive BubbLe instructor Chris b, Michal smashed his driving test first time around on 24.7.2023
Garry Day,
from Weston Super Mare, North Somerset finally passing his 🚘 test and gained his freedom along the way. From the very fun-filled calm jovial training provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Singe g, Garry finally achieved in passing his test on 22.7.2023
Rachel Kirby, from Bishopston, Bristol, putting in all the hard work in the learning process listening carefully to wonderfully chilled bubbLe instructor Baillo, Rachel demonstrated on the day that she is a safe confident driver, and earned her full driving license on 20.7.2023
Chloe Purnell,
from Brislington, Bristol has cracked it, and gained her independence from the amazingly fun driving lessons from enthusiastic BubbLe instructor Craig m, Chloe has been 🥳 her success since passing her test on 19.7.20232
Tom Flack,
from Bedminster, Bristol who has more than demonstrated what a great driver he now is, from the calm training provided by fun bubbLe instructor Nuha a, Tom started 🥳 his success at gaining his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 13.7.2023
Riley Keogh,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire absolutely smashed it on his driving test, From the amazing fun training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Dan m, Riley not only passed their driving test first time, but with 0 driving faults too, succeeded in gain their 🚘🔑 to freedom on 13.7.2023
Eleanor Brooks,
from Wiphersfield in Suffolk, whose been a resident at Bath royal hospital, balancing her training time whilst also earning her keys to freedom, Elenor put all the hard work in from all the fantastic training provided by BubbLe instructor Steve r, With steve calm teaching style and chatty nature, Elenor passed her test on 13.7.2023
from Little Stoke, South Gloucestershire, Smashing his test first time around, showing what a confident, safe driver he is, from the amazing calm training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Rob s, Cameron passed his test on 12.7.2023
Isla Jackson,
from Milbury Heath, Gloucestershire, smashing her test first time around, gaining her own set 🚘🔑🔑 and enjoying her freedom over the lovely summer sun, All thanks to the amazingly clam chilled training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Dan a, Isla passed her test on 12.7.2023
Alexandra Connell,
from Bishopsworth, Bristol has only gone and done it, gaining her 🔑 to freedom, passing her driving test first time from the wonderful fun filled training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor baillo, Alexandra has been out and about driving her 🚗 since 10.7.2023
Amber Williams-phippen,
from Lawerence Weston, Bristol, heavily pregnant and smashing, wait no, not smashing, carefully succeeding in passing her 🚗 test first time, 🥳 her success just in time. Under the expert eye, dedicated training, and calming teaching from Amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Amber passed her driving test on 7.7.2023
Kacey Hudd,
from Knowle west, Bristol has been seen on the roads, with her own 🚗🔑🔑 after smashing her driving test. From the expert training by amazing long standing bubbLe instructor Glenn a, providing the best in-depth and relaxed sessions, helped Kacey pass her driving test on 6.7.2023
Rachel Jones,
from Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire, who was having some fun training given by amazing check BubbLe instructor Dan a, showing on the day what a great driver she is, Rachel passed her 🚘test and has been 🥳 since 5.7.2023
Eliott Marsh, from Watchfield, Swindon, has only been out and about 🥳 his success, from the amazing banterful training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Eliott smashed his test first time with ZERO driving faults and gained his keys to freedom on 3.7.2023
Aiden Prior,
from Weston Super Mare in North Somerset, Aiden passed his driving test first time around, showing what a cracking driver he is, and that the great driving skills and knowledge imparted by his amazing bubbLe instructor singe g, were all he needed to succeed in passing his test on 29.7.2023
Charlie Ebdon,
from st George, Bristol, smashing his driving test first time around, from the careful dedicated eye and training by amazing bubbLe instructor Ross L, charlie gained his 🚗🔑🔑 to freedom on 21.7.2023
Smashing stuff charlie, Welcome to the roads and perfect time of the year to have your freedom with the long summer nights.
William James Andrew Nash. from Southmead, Bristol, has had a fun filled summer cruising the streets after gaining his to freedom, from the fun cheeky training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Lukas, William passed his test on 18.7.2023
Nathaniel anscombe,
from Hengrove, Bristol who has been enjoying this summer cruising the streets, belting out the tunes, and having his freedom to independence, all from the amazing driver training given by amazing bubbLe instructor Craig m, Nathaniel passed his driving test on 17.7.2023
Katia Borrego,
Totterdown, bristol, smashing her 🚗 test from the amazing intensive training provided by magnificent bubbLe intensive instructor Chris b, Katia passed her driving test first time round on 13.7.2023
Mareena Mohan,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, from the amazing calm training provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Mareena succeeded in gaining her freedom and own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 13.7.2023
Chloe Taylor,
from Filton, Bristol again another successful pass, and independence gained, Chloe more than showed she haswhat it takes to be free and drive solo, from the great calm training provided by magnificent BubbLe instructor Rob s, Chloe passed her test on 11.7.2023
Louisha Parchment, from Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire, under the watchful dedicated eye from Amazing bubbLe instructor Martin r, Louisha passed her test first time around and gained her own 🔑🔑 to freedom on 12.7.2023
Lotte Perry,
from Bedminster, Bristol whose been out and about in her 🚗now for 7 weeks after gaining her 🚗🔑🔑, Thanks to the dedicated and wonderful training by amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Lotte passed her test on 11.7.2023
Ewan Ramsden,
from Horfield, Bristol succeeded in passing his 🚗 test. under the amazing training provided by dedicated BubbLe instructor Sarah b, and passing on her knowledge and influence in being a safe driver, Ewan showed he had it all and gained his freedom on 7.7.2023
Jamie Burden , from Bedminster, Bristol, has only gone and passed his driving test. Demonstrating that confidence is key, and that all the amazing expert training and guidance given to him from wonderful BubbLe instructor Elaine c has helped him become a safe driver. Jamie gained his 🔑 to freedom on 6.7.2023
Daisay Johnson, from Southmead, Bristol succeeding in gaining her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 after passing her driving test first time. What a cracker of a driver, BubbLe instructor Julian taught her what to do and how to do it, built her skills up, and her confidence, she smashed her driving test on 6.7.2023
Tia, from Yatton,
North somerset gain her own set of car keys, Putting in all the hard work on the day, from the warm motherly checky training provided by BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Tia has been out and about driving since passing her 🚘 test on 4.7.2023
Christine Blake, from Downend, South Gloucestershire, Gaining her own set 🚗🔑🔑 putting all the hard work in on the day that fantastic BubbLe instructor Dan m put in her training, Christine passed her test first time on 29.6.2023
Anna Crowley,
from Coalpit Heath, South Gloucestershire, from the great calm training provided by wonderful bubble instructor Kevin k, Anna showed she was ready for her freedom, and started 🥳 her success on 26.6.2023
Courtney Sargent,
from Cotham, Bristol now ben on the roads a few weeks after gaining his own 🔑🔑 to freedom and his 🚗. What a cracking pass for BubbLe sarah b, with her expert eye, calm friendly training, Courtney passed his test on 26.6.2023
Megan Jenkinson,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, smashing her 🚗 test first time round from the amazing quick whitted BubbLe instructor Martin r. Megan gained her own 🔑🔑 to freedom on 13.6.2023
Christopher Milsom,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire gaining his freedom, success, and independence all in one day, From the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Robert w, Christopher passed his test first time on 13.6.2023
Ashley Burgess ,
from Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire, who's been out and about the last 3 days 🥳 her high success in gaining her own set of 🚘🔑🔑. Ashley was under the calming influence and training by amazing bubbLe instructor Dan a, Passing her driving test on 2.6.2023.
Sen Fai Tam,
from Bristol City Centre, succeeded in getting her freedom, her own set of 🚗🔑🔑, and no longer needing to use the busses. Showing all the great skills she's acquired, the confidence o adapt to any driving situation, and that she's a safe driver, from the wonderful training and tuition provided by BubbLe instructor Baillo, Sen passed her test on 30.6.2023
Ryan keary Bradford,
from bedminster, Bristol succeeded under the amazing fun training by BubbLe instructor the fantastic Baillo. Ryan smashed his test and gained his🔑🔑 to freedom on 20.6.2023
James Carey,
from Soundwell, Bristol smashing, and we mean smashing his driving test first time round, under martins friendly technical training, James gained his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 28.6.2023
Abee So, from Fishponds, South Gloucestershire, succeeded in gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and 🥳 her success, from the amazing calm and in-depth lessons provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan m, Abee passed her test on 22.6.2023
Summer Maggs, from Thornbury, South Gloucestershire, has been her success, from the calming training provided by smashing BubbLe instructor Dan a, Summer has been out and about driving since 9.6.2023
Anton Hasselmyr,
from Ashton, Noth Somerset, passed his driving test first time round, under the watchful eye of amazing BubbLe instructor elaine c, Anton gained his 🚘🔑🔑 to freedom after showing what a great driver he was on 6.6.2023
Sam Taylor,
from Knowle, Bristol succeeding in gaining his own UK full driving License, from training provided by calm, cool and funny BubbLe instructor Baillo, Sam gained her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 31.5.2023
Elliott Pugh, from Henbury, Bristol succeeding in gaining his independence and freedom, smashing his test from the wonderful fun training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Julian w. Elliott passed his 🚘 test on 30.5.2023.
Sembene Manji, from St. George, Bristol, smashing his 🚘 test first time, with only 2 driving faults, gaining his own set of 🔑🔑 to independence. With in-depth training provided b friendly BubbLe instructor Dan m, Sembene passed his test on 24.5.2023.
Allan Walker, from Yate South Gloucestershire, again under the watchful expert eye of wonderful BubbLe instructor Robert w showed he has the confidence, skills and is a safe driver gaining his 🚗🔑🔑 on 23.5.2023
Chloe Hudson, from Clifton, Bristol whose been out and about 🥳 after gaining her own independence and success passing her 🚘test and gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑. Showing what a cracking driver she is, from the amazing friendly professional training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Chloe passed her test on 22.5.2023.
Kareem Zabaneh, from Lyde Green, South Gloucestershire passed his 🚘test 1st time around with only 1 driving fault. Showing what a great driver he is after some amazing fantastic training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan m. Kareem gained his own 🚘🔑🔑 on 19.5.2023.
Abin Varghese, from Southmead, Bristol passing his 🚘 test thanks to the fun filled training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas. Abin smashed his test and gained his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 today 18.5.2023
Shreya Garge, from Kenysham, Bath and North East Somerset, passing her driving test after the amazing training provided by wonderful check BubbLe instructor Dan m, Shrye is going on her maiden voyage today having passed her test on 17.5.2023
Isla Banerji,
from Thornbury, south Gloucestershire, passing her 🚘test first time after doing a fun Manual intensive course with amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Isla passed her test on 12.5.2023
Auguste Vight,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, gaining her keys to freedom again from the amazing fun training provided by wonderful bubble instructor Robert w, Auguste passed her test on 11.5.2023
Dawid Tryjankowski,
from southmead, bristol. succeeding in gained his independence and freedom, showing the great skill set he had been taught by wonderful bubble instructor Lukas. Dawid passed his test and gained his keys to freedom on 11.5.2023
Katarina Jury, from redcliffe, bristol, gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 from the wonderful friendly training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Marcus s, Katarina passed her test on 9.5.2023.
Richard Thomas,
from Clevedon, North Somerset smashing his way through the driving process, under the amazing expert tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Singe g, Richard has been out 🥳 his success since 4.5.2023
Ben Hussey , from Clevedon, North somerset, smashing his car test first time rund thanks to the amazing training from wonderful BubbLe instructor Singe g. Ben passed his test and gained his own 🚘🔑 on 3.5.2023
Oliver James-Knight ,
from Cheswick Village, South Gloucestershire, after months of wonderful amazing training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan a, Oliver smashed his 🚘 test and gained his 🔑🔑 to independence on 31.5.2023
Isabella Davies,
from Bedminster, Bristol has been out and about 🥳 and singing her heart out to the tunes in her car, after gaining her full UK driving license. Thanks to the amazing friendly and motherly training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Nuha a, u, Isabella gained her own 🚗🔑🔑 on 25.5.2023
Isabel Olivia Banks,
from Henleaze, Bristol passed her driving test demonstrating she had the right to gain her full driving license, after the amazing fun-filled training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas, Isabel gained her own 🚘🔑🔑 on 23.5.2023.
Samantha Lidbury, from Knowle, Bristol smashing her 🚘 test and gaining her own set 🚗🔑🔑 after passing her driving test first time round, Thanks to the amazing intensive training provided by wonderful BubbLe automatic intensive instructor Chris b, Samantha gained her freedom on 22.5.2023.
Thomas Walters,
from Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, on passing his driving test under the careful eye and fantastic training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Charmaine c, Thomas gained his independence on 16.5.2023
Jair Domingos coimbra, from Bristol City centre, passing his driving test first time round thanks to the wonderful training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Sarah b. Jair gained his 🔑🔑 to freedom on 11.5.2023
Taya Galbraith, from Downend, South Gloucestershire who under the expert training from amazing BubbLe instructor Ross l, gained her own freedom and 🚗🔑🔑 on 10.5.2023
Kayla Kenny,
from Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire, Passing her test first time round again from the wonderful calm training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Dan m, Kayla passed her test and gained her own 🚘🔑🔑 on 9.5.2023
Kelvin Kalungi from Knowle, Bristol passing his driving test first time round after doing a wicked automatic intensive course with bubbLe instructor Chris b. Passing his test and gaining his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 4.5.2023
Louise Yeo, from Yate, South Gloucestershire has been out and about in her 🚘after succeeding in passing her test from the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan a. Louise passed her test on 3.5..2023
Josh Bryan, from Marshfield, Wiltshire, who despite having a foot injury stopping his progress, he made up for it in double time, under the fantastic training by bubbly bubble instructor Robert w, Josh gained his very own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 3.5.2023
A belated welcome to the roads josh, hope you been enjoying the last 2 months freedom, now you can get yourself over to all the football games you play in.
Jun cheng,
from Bristol City Centre In succeeding in gaining is own set of 🚘🔑🔑after passing his driving test first time around, from the wonderful calm training provided by the wonderful bubble instructor Mr Bailo B, Jun has be out and about driving since passing his test on 2.5.2023
Jesse hall,
from Patchway, South Gloucestershire, passing his test after the amazing training and tuition provided by wonderful calm BubbLe instructor julian w. Welcome to the roads jesse you gained your own set of 🚗🔑 on 26.4.2023
Julia Hind,
from Cotham, Bristol, successfully smashed her driving test thanks to the fantastically wicked training provided by excellent BubbLe driving instructor Marcus s. Julia gained her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 26.4.2023
Jose McLaid,
from Montpellair, Bristol passing her test first time from the wonderful intensive training provided by Automatic intensive BubbLe instructor chris b, Jose gained her own 🚗🔑🔑 on 24.4.2023
Zoë Lewis,
from warmley, South Gloucestershire, Passed her test in her own car after showing off all the amazing skills she had learned from wonderful bubbLe instructor Martin r. Zoe gained her keys to freedom on 22.4.2023.
Arnav Shah, from clifton, Bristol passed his driving test first time around from the amazing cheeky training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Marcus s. Arnav, gained his keeys to freedom on 21.4.2023.
Achille Mangieri, from Clifton, Bristol. From the amazing friendly training provided by BubbLe instructor Marcus s, Achillie smashed his test and gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 18.4.2023
Paul Skidmore, from Southmead, Bristol succeeded in gaining his own independence, showing what a cracking driver he is from he amazing expert training provided by fantastic BubbLe instructor Kevin k, Paul passed his test n 18.4.2023
Hannah Jones,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, who passed her driving test first time round thanks to the fantastic training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Martin r. Hannah gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 on 17.4.2023.
Ellie Wolfe,
from Clifton, Bristol gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and freedom, passing her test after showing how great a driver she is, after all amazing BubbLe instructor lukas training and teachings. Ellie passed her test on 12.4.2023
Jon Bridges,
from Pill, North Somerset, smashing his test first time round, what a fantastic result for jon and fantastic BubbLe instructor scott. Jon gained his own set of 🚗🔑🔑 and 🥳 on 12.4.2023
Emily Godwin,
from Warmley, South Gloucestershire, succeeding in gaining her own 🚘🔑🔑 after showing how safe and competent a driver she is, All thanks to the wonderful fun training provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Jenny w. Emily passed her test on 4.4.2023
Sarah Jones, from Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire, succeeding in gaining her freedom, from the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan a. a great success for you both. Sarah passed her driving test and gained her own set of 🚘🔑 on 3.4.2023
Nikki Hall,
from Radstock, Bath and North east Somerset, Smashing her test first time round, succeeding i gaining her own 🚘🔑🔑 to freedom. All thanks to the amazing Wonderful training provided by Fantastic Bubble instructor Charmaine c. Nikki passed her test on 27.4.2023
Tom Oliver,
from Pill North Somerset passing his test first time all because the amazing skills h learned from wonderful BubbLe instructor Scott k. Gaining his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 to freedom on 24.4.2023
Victoria Claravall,
from Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset, smashing her 🚘test first time round, showing that shes a great safe skilled driver from he wonderful Tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, Victoria passed her test on 24.4.2023
Helen Chambers, from Bristol passed her test first time thanks to the fantastic training provided by wonderful ubbLe instructor Sarah b. Helen gained her own 🚗🔑🔑 on 21.4.2023.
Jessica McCann, from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire whose been out and about 🥳 her success in gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑 thanks to the amazing friendly fun filled training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor jenny w, passing her test on 20.4.2023
Tom Stratford, from Bristol gained his keys to freedom thanks to the brilliant tuition provided by BubbLe instructor Glenn Tom gained his own 🚗🔑🔑 on 18.4.2023
Rebecca Morris,
from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire who passed her driving test first time, after doing an automatic intensive course with wonderful bubbLe instructor Chris b, she passed her test first time and gained her own 🚗🔑🔑 on 17.4.2023.
Cannis Leung,
from Bristol City Centre, has only gone and passed her 🚗 test first time, and right now is out and about 🥳 her success and gaining her own set of 🚗🔑🔑. Showing what a smashing little driver she is, taught from the kind friendly bubbly bubbLe instructor Nuha a. Cannis passed her test today 17.4.2023
Maggie wieteska,
from Kingsdown, Bristol succeeding in passing her test first time round, thanks to the funtastic training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Jamal a. Maggie has been out driving and 🥳 her success since 12.4.2023.
Eleanor Gilroy, from Henleaze, Bristol smashing her test first time round from the expert amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Jullian w, Eleanor demonstrated what a cracking driver she is and passed her test first time on 5.4.2023
Szymon Tryjankowski,
from Southmead, Bristol has big cause to 🥳 smashing his driving test first time, and with zero faults. What a result!!! Szymon showed what a cracking perfect driver he is from the most amazing training provided by wicked BubbLe instructor Lukas. Szymon gained his freedom on 4.4.2023
Claire Ryan, from Long ashton, North Somerset, passing her test, been out and about 🥳 with her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 all from the amazing training and quick whitted personality of BubbLe instructor Singe g. Claire joined the roads of independence on 29.3.2023
Ben Cook from Portbury,
North Somerset, has gained his freedom, his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 from the amazing fantastic training provided by BubbLe instructor Scott K. Now this is important for scott as this is his first ever driving test pass, a key moment for a new driving instructor. So a massive well done to scott too. Beeen passed his test from the help of scott on 29.3.2023
Rachel ritho, passing her test from the amazing help, confidence boosting train gof BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Showing what a great driver she is. Rachel passed her driving test on 16.3.2023
Welcome to the roads Ali,
from Weston Super Mare smashed his driving test first time round, showing what a fantastic driver his is after having expert and fun-filled training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Singe g, Ali passed his test on 13.3.2023.
Thomas Carter,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire succeding in gaining his freedom from the busses and grabbing his own set of 🚘🔑🔑, from the amazing expert training of BubbLe instructor Martin r, Thomas passed his test on 9.3.2023
Cathy Kuria,
from Bristol city centre, succeeded in gaining her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 and freedom, from the wonderful tuition proved by amazing kind BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Cathy passed her 🚘 test on 7.3.2023
Hannah Ellis,
from Redland, Bristol smashed her test with only one driving fault showing that she's a cracking driver from the wonderful training provided by BubbLe instructor Marcus s. Hannah has been out and about on the roads since 3.3.2023
A fantastic result for you Hannah, no more busses, freedom!!!!
Natasha Lucas Harniman,
from The arches, Bistol has been out and about 🥳 her success in gaining her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 after passing her test showing what a great driver she is from the amazing training and professional tuition provide by wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Natasha passed her test on 1.3.2023
Hebe Davies, from Horfield, Bristol who had big cause to 🥳 as she passed her driving test first time round, gaining her own set of 🚘🔑🔑. From the amazingly fun filled driving tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Marcus s, Hebe passed her test on 31.3.2023
from Bristol who under the amazing cool, calming teachings from amazing bubbLe instructor Jamal a, Farhiya passed her test gaining her own 🔑🔑 to freedom and independence on 29.3.2023
A massive well done to
Megan pilcher-king from St George, Bristol succeeding in gaining her own set of 🚘🔑🔑. What a journey she's had, from the checky fun training provided by BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Megan passed her test on 16.3.2023.
Fantastic result for Kieran,
from Brislington, Bristol succeeding in passing his test from the amazing calm training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Baillo b. Kieran showed what a great driver he is and succeeded in gaining his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 in passing his test on 16.3.2023
Josh Price,
from Whitchurch, Bristol smashed his test, not literally but with a first-time passing and ZERO driving faults, from the amazing skills demonstrated, as well as his confidence, from bubble instructor Elaine c and her wonderful teaching abilities, Josh passed his 🚘 test on 9.3.2023
Watson Byas,
from Lawerance Weston, Bristol succeeded in gaining his freedom and his own set of 🚗🔑🔑, Watson has been out and about the last few days 🥳 his success, from the fantastic amazing training from BubbLe instructor Sarah b, who instilled in him confidence, and fantastic driving skill set. Passing his test on 7.3.2023
Songyang Ye,
from Bristol City Centre, passing his 🚘test with great success, showing how skilled and confident he is from the amazing tuition provided by the wonderful, BubbLe instructor Nuha a, Songyang passed his test on 4.3.2023
Abby wajtknecht,
from Badminton, South Gloucestershire, Being nervous and less passionate, she soon become an amazing driver, with each day she was getting more excited to get in the car and drive, smashing her test the first time after doing an intensive course with amazing BubbLe owner and instructor Russ m, abby smashed her 🚘test, and gained her 🚘🔑🔑 and freedom on 3.3.2023
Sam S,
from Filton, Bristol, smashing his way to freedom, gaining his own 🚘🔑🔑, from the wonderful training provided by his amazing BubbLe instructor mr Rob s, AKA daddy, Sam has been out and about 🥳 his freedom, as has Rob 🥳 him not being the taxi of dad anymore. Sam passed his test first time on 1.3.32023
A fantastic result for you both especially you sam, welcome to the roads of freedom and independence, remember rob will be keeping an eye on your driving 😂😂
Florencia Galeano, from Bedminster, Bristol, succeeded in passing her test first time, and now today she's out driving and 🥳 her success. From the amazing Expert training from wonderful bubble instructor elain c, Florencia passed her test and gained her own 🚘🔑🔑 on 28.2.2023
Yuting Huang,
from Bristol City Center, succeeded in gaining her freedom and 🚘🔑🔑 from the amazing training and tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Nuha a. Yuting passed her test first time on 28.2.2023
Rosie May Williams,
from Clifton, Bristol succeeded in passing her 🚘 test and gaining her own set of 🚘🔑🔑. From the amazing fun training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Lukas, Rosie showed how skilled she was, how great under pressure she was and smashed her test on 23.2.2023
Cara Collins certainly is, from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire succeed in gaining her freedom from the amazing training provided by wonderful bubble instructor Idris b, Cara gained her own 🚘🔑🔑 and started 🥳 her success on 21.2.2023
Safia Belhaj ,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire succeeded in passing her 🚘 test from the amazing expert training she had from wonderful bubbLe instructor Dan a. Passing her test on 20.2.2023
Dominic Ferguson,
from Bedminster, Bristol succeeded in passing his test, gaining his independence, and gaining his own 🚘🔑🔑 from the warm teachings, professional training and fun-filled lessons with bubble instructor Nuha a, Domic passed his test showing what a great driver he is on 14.2.2023
Liam Mathews,
from Knowle, Bristol smashed his test from the amazing training of BubbLe instructor Tony h, Liam gained his own 🚘🔑 showing what a cracking driver he is on 15.2.2023
Liam hunter,
from Stockwood, Bristol, 🥳 his success in getting his own set of 🚘🔑🔑, demonstrating how skilled he is, from the expert calming tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Glenn a, Liam passed his test and gained his freedom on 13.2.2023
Shayla Hill,
from Hengrove, smashed her test the first time with the amazing and wonderful new BubbLe instructor Ross L, this being Ross's first test helped Shayla succeed in her gaining her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 showing the skills he taught her to the highest standard and passed on 13.2.2023
Katie-May Ratcliffe,
from Knowle West, Bristol smashing her test, not literally mind, and succeeding in gaining her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 thanks to the great training and tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Katie-May secured her freedom showing what a fantastic driver she is and passing her test on 9.2.2023
Kyle Warren,
from Knowle West, Bristol passed his driving test back in February. From the wonderful training and calming lessons from BubbLe instructor Baillo b, Kyle succeeded in gaining his freedom and own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 10.2.2023
Kirsty Lines,
from Filton, Bristol, succeeding and been out driving since gaining her independence. Thanks to the amazing tuition provided by calm and fun BubbLe instructor Julian w, Kirsy passed her test and gained her 🚘🔑 on 3.2.2023
Georgina Potter Hopes,
from Charfield, South Gloucestershire who has secured her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 after showing what a fabulous confident skilled driver she is on test, Thanks to the amazing fun training given by wonderful BubbLe instructor Tony h. Georgina smashed her test on 6.2.2023
Olly Shefield ,
from Alveston, South Gloucestershire, whose been out driving down the country lanes since smashing his test on 2.2.2023 all thanks to the amazing teachings that olly demonstrated from wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan a.
Nadia Ramdeo,
from Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire, passing her test with only two driving faults, what a fab success, Demonstrating the amazing skills taught to her by wonderful bubbLe instructor Dan m, Nadia smashed her 🚘 test gaining her 🔑🔑 to freedom on 1.2.2023
Carla Adol, from Combe Dingle, Bristol succeeded after a long time learning, first time pass with only 3 minors and now holding in her own hands her own set of 🚘🔑🔑. Carla put all the hard work in, showing the amazing skills she had learned from 2 wonderful BubbLe instructors Dan m and Jamal a. A fantastic result for her passing her test on 28.2.2023
Tabitha Kingston, from Henleaze, Bristol has now cracked it and got her independence, from the great training provided by BubbLe instructor Julian w, Tabith passed her test and got her own 🚘🔑 on 26.2.2023
Penny Lewis, from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire smashed her driving test, succeeding in gaining her own set of independence and 🚘🔑🔑 from the wonderful training and tuition of BubbLe instructor Idris b. Penny passed her 🚘 test on 22.2.2023
Ethan Garland, from Combe Dingle, Bristol, his success in gaining his own set of after showing all the hard work he has learned and been taught from Amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Ethan passed his test and has been seen out and about since 21.2.2023
Samantha Crossley,
from Kingsdown, Bristol, has been a long time coming, from the amazing help of three instructors over the last 2 years, Samantha has finally after a long road, gained her own set of thanks to the amazing training from BubbLe instructor's Dan m, Jamal a, And Nuha a. A massive well-done samantha in passing your test on 17.2.2023
Oliver Pillinger, from Bristol, Smashed his test first time from the amazing training and expert tuition of BubbLe instructor Tony h, Oliver gained his independence and freedom on 15.2.2023
Jonathan Dunn,
from Bedminster, Bristol, not only has he gained his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 and been 🥳, but, he smashed his 🚘 test first time and with only 1 driving fault, showing what a cracking driver he is from the amazing calm teachings from wonderful bubbLe instructor Elaine c. Jonathan passed his test on 15.2.2023
Tristan Dowrick, from Bath, Bath, and North East Somerset(B.A.N.E.S) has finally succeeded in gaining his freedom and independence and no longer needs to travel by train.. From the expert wonderful teachings from both BubbLle instructors Charmaine c and Marcus s, Tristan has finally succeeded in gaining his freedom, Initially starting to learn to drive in automatic, Tristan decided he wanted to go to manual and has now succeeded in his freedom on 13.2.2023
Ziggy Williams,
from Bishopston, Bristol succeeded in his freedom, achieving his independence and showing how skilled and safe he is as a new driver, from all the amazing training and teachings of BubbLe instructor Julian w, Ziggy gained his freedom and passed his 🚘 test on 10.2.2023
Mike James, from Thornbury, South Gloucestershire, succeeding in showing what a great driver he is, and the amazing tuition and training given by the amazingly fun and good nature Bubbe instructor Tony h, Mike gained his own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 8.2.2023
Thomas Sheffield, from Alveston, South Gloucestershire who has had his freedom for some time, passed his test with 0 driving faults after showing what a great driver he is and what a fabulous driving instructor he had the amazing and wonderful bubble instructor Dan as. Passing his test and gaining his own 🚘🔑 on 7.2.2023
Jacob Whitley, from Knowle west, Bristol with a first-time pass on his 🚗 test and gaining his 🔑 to freedom. After long patient waiting with delays, Jacob passed his test first time thanks to the amazing preparation and training given by wonderful friendly BubbLe instructor Glenn a. Passing his test on 3.2.2023
Lauren Bull
has and has been for some time, from Peasedown St John, Bath and North East Somerset (B.A.N.E.S), who gained her to freedom thanks to the amazing wonderful fun teachings from BubbLe instructor Charmaine C, Smashing her test with the fab skills shes been taught on 2.2.2023
Fatima Shah,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, who has been out and about blazing the tunes, singing her heart out, having shown what a great skilled driver she is, from the delightful fun tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, passing her test first time on 31.1.2023
Sadie Hodgkins,
from Longashton, has finally gained her freedom, her own 🚗🔑 after smashing her test showing what a great driver she is, that our amazing BubbLe instructor Singe g, helped her gain the skills she needs, Sadie passed her test on 26.1.2023
Rhys Talbot,
from Kingswood,
South Gloucestershire, whose more than shown he's a cracking driver, putting all his skills to the test, taught by the wonderful cheeky BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Rhys smashed his test gaining his 🚗🔑on 24.1.2023
Ben Jones, from Portishead to the roads, Smashed his driving test first time round. from the amazing expert friendly Training and wonderful coaching of BubbLe instructor Singe G, Ben smashed his test on 20.1.2023.
Zeyn Mulla,
from Brentry, Bristol has only gone and cracked, it showing that she's the best driver whose been trained by the wonderful amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b. gaining her 🚗🔑🔑 on 20.1.2023
Courtney Bicker, from St George, Bristol, smashed her test, gaining her freedom, succeeding in independence, all thanks to the wonderful training provided by amazing calm BubbLe instructor Dan a. Courtney passed her test first time showing how amazing a driver she is on 11.1.2023
Poppy Stevens, from Whitchurch, Bristol, who got her 🚘🔑🔑 to freedom showing how skilled a driver she is from the expert amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Glenn a, passing her 🚗 test on 11.1.2022
Well poppy, its been a very long time coming, but you got their in the end. Welcome to the roads of freedom
from Bishop Sutton in Bath and North East Somerset, gaining her 🚘🔑 to freedom, smashing her driving test after showing how great a driver she is from the wonderful training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Charmaine C. Abigail passed her test on 9.1.2023
Ellie Smith, from Knowle, Bristol smashed her driving test frist time, with the amazing intensive training provided by Amazing BubbLe Intensive instructor Chris b, Ellie needed 22hr course and smashed her test the first time, gaining her 🚘🔑🔑 to freedom on 9.1.2023
Evie Fitzgibbon ,
from Southmead, Bristol gained her freedom and independence thanks to the great training provided by amazing bubbLeinstructor Sarah b, Evie passed her test on 4.1.2023
Emma whittle, from bristol who has been on the roads for a few weeks now, smashing her test first time after the amazing fantastic training from Wonderful bubble instructor Julian w gaining her 🚘🔑🔑 on 3.1.2023
Qita Iseley,
from Totterdown, Bristol, has only done it, been out driving already having gained her 🔑🔑 to freedom and independence, from the wicked training provided by delightful BubbLe instructor Marcus S, Qita passed her 🚘 test on 30.1.2023
Hannah Rowley, from Brislington, Bristol passing her driving test first time thanks to the amazing Training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Baillo b. Hannah passed her test on 26.1.2023
Oranuch Britton,
from St George, Bristol, whose been working hard, and been so patient, but has now succeeded in passing her driving test, from the amazing expert training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Nuha a, Oranuch has been a pleasure to train and gained her 🚗🔑 to freedom on 25.1.2023
Bryn Thomas, from Clifton, Bristol smashing it, expertly trained by amazing BubbLe instructor Rob s, Passed his driving test on 25.1.2023
Candance Barrett,
from Brentry, Bristol who gained her success, and freedom putting all the hard work in that she was taught by amazing calm BubbLe instructor Rob s, Candance passed her test on 24.1.2023
Jonathan Croft,
from Knowle, Bristol whose only gone and got his independence, his freedom, and been driving about all over the place doing his gigs. All thanks to the amazing tuition from wonderful BubbLe instructor Craig m. Jonathan gained his 🚗🔑 on 20.1.2023
Menna Clayton Richard,
from staple hill, South Gloucestershire, who successfully passed her 🚗 test first time around, showing she is a wicked driver and ready for the roads, from the amazing expert training provided by wonderful bubble instructor Glenn a, Menna gained her 🔑 to freedom on 20.1.2023
Kaytlin Mitchelmore,
from Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire, who has been out and about in her 🚗 having gained her 🔑 to freedom on the roads. From the amazing tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Kris a. Kaytlin smashed it and passed her test on 18.1.2023
Joe Clark-Mcghee from Bedminster, Bristol whose been out and about already, having gained his freedom on 11.1.2023 after the amazing training provided by wonderful bubble instructor Nuha a.
Alice Millard, from Portishead, North Somerset, who smashed her test first time. Singe provided the expert training, but Alice put the expert driving to the test and gained her 🚘🔑🔑 on 10.1.2023
Felix, whose been commuting to bristol for driving lessons, has cracked it, smashing his test first time, from the wonderful indepth training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Julian w, Felix passed his est on 9.1.2023
Sophie Wistow,
from Stone, South Gloucestershire, who smashed her test first time round with the amazing training and funtastic tuition from BubbLe instructor Tony h, gained her 🔑 to freedom on 3.1.2023
Shelna Jose, from Clevedon gained her keys to freedom and been 🥳 ever since, all thanks to amazing BubbLe instructor Ginge G, providing wonderful fun relaxing Automatic driving lessons. Shelna passed her test on 3.1.2023.
Soju Warghese Samual,
from Southmead, Bristol who smashed his test the first time round to pass in time to be the designated taxi driver on New years Eve. Soju, who shown all the skills he needed to be a safe and confident driver was taught by the wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b and passed his test on 29.12.2022
Marie Blannin,
from Bedminster, Bristol smashed her 🚘 test and gained her 🔑 to freedom in the nick of time for the festive period. Marie put all the hard work in from the wonderful in-depth training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Nuha A, passing her test on 22.12.2022
Lewis Patterson, from Bishopston, Bristol passed his test and gained his independence all thanks to the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Marcus S. Lewis passed his 🚗 test on 20.12.2022
Jess Bark,
from Withywood, Bristol smashed her test first time around showing the amazing skills shed been taught by fantastic bubble instructor Elaine c. Jess gained her 🚘🔑 to freedom on 13.12.2022
Jennifer Wilcox,
from Long Ashton, North Somerset has been speeding along the roads in her 🚗 after gaining her 🚘🔑 to freedom and independence. Jennifer smashed her test first time round thanks to the amazing wonderful BubbLe instructor Singe G. who helped her pass her test on 11.12.2022
Adam Hughes,
from Southmead, Bristol who has been enjoying his freedom for the last 7 weeks now, passing his test first time with no driving faults thanks to the amazing tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan m. Adam passed his test on 2.12.2022
Jamarni Langlais, from fishponds, South Gloucestershire, who between Christmas and new Year gained his freedom and independence all thanks to the wonderful training provided by amazing bubble instructor Sarah b. Jamarni passed his test on 29.12.2022
Amelia Green,
from Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire, gained her independence and freedom just in the nick of time for the holidays, Amelia put in all the hard effort from the wonderful teachings from BubbLe instructor Jenny w passing her test on 21.12.2022
Nicola Clayton, from Knowle, Bristol smashed her test again a first-time pass, putting in all the effort and showing how great a driver she is from the teachings of amazing BubbLe instructor elaine c, Nicola passed her test and gained her own set of 🚘🔑🔑 on 19.12.2022
Moncy Varghese, from Henbury, Bristol been singing and 🥳 in his 🚘 as he passed his test thanks to the wonderful teachings from wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Moncy passed his test on 12.12.2022
Nishanthini vijikaran, from Shirehampton, Brisotl who smashed her test first time round all thanks to the calming teaching from wonderful BubbLe instructor Jamal a. Nishanthini passed her test and gained her 🚘🔑 on 9.12.2022
Alicia Torrington, from Bristol has been out and about blazing the tunes to her success and freedom on the roads. Demonstrating how capable she is, how safe a driver she is, how highly trained she is, all from the amazing tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor tony h, Alicia passed her driving test on 28.11.2022
Carl Harrison, from Bristol who absolutely smashed his test first time round with the amazing training from BubbLe instructor Julian w. Julain has given arl all the skill st he needs ot be a safe driver, now its all down to you carl to keep to that standard. Carl passed his test on 24.11.2022
Baher Al Abd, from Bishopston, Bristol, gained his freedom and independence from the amazing training and hard graft on his 🚘test. Thanks to the amazing tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b, who with her thoroughness in teaching, helped baher pass his test on 23.11.2022
Helen Hazel, from Keynsham, Bath and North east Somerset(B.A.N.Es) has been out zooming around Keynsham, all due to the hard work she put in on her test, from the funtastic calm teachings of BubbLe instructor Charmaine c, Helen gained her 🚘🔑🔑 to freedom on 18.11.2022
Jordan Pritchard,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, who under amazing training, patience for a driving test and expert tuition from Bubble instructor Tony h, smashed his 🚘 test and gained his 🔑🔑 to freedom on 16.11.2022
Irma Vizidune,
from Withywood, Bristol got her 🚗🔑🔑 to freedom and independence a week ago, with the wonderful tuition from fantastic BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Irma passed her test on 15.11.2022
Luke baruwa,
from Southmead, Bristol has gone and got his 🚗🔑 to freedom. Cruising on the roads now blazing the tunes out, all thanks to the wonderful funtastic tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Sarah b a massive well done to you Luke on passing your test today 14.11.2022
Lorna Pegram,
from Ashton Gate, Bristol successfully gained her independence, from the amazing teachings of wonderful BubbLe instructor Jamal a, Lorna gained her 🚗🔑🔑 to freedom on 8.11.2022
Jack Wells,
from Bishopston, Bristol has cracked it, the first time and only one driving fault no less. From the wonderful teachings and training by bubble instructor Marcus s, Jack smashed his test first time and gained his 🚗🔑🔑 to freedom on 11.11.2022
Jake Talbott,
from Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire, successfully gained his 🚗🔑 and has been out 🥳 this weekend, All down to him showing he is a safe driver from the amazing teachings provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan m, KJake gained his freedom on 10.11.2022
Rukiye Basbaydar,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, has only gained her freedom. No longer reliant on her dad or the buss, putting in all the hard work on her 🚗 test day, she gained her 🔑🔑 to freedom all with the help from amazing bubble instructor Idris B. Rukiye passed her driving test on 10.11.2022
Lewis Sutcliffe,
from Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire, who like Caitlin smashed it on his driving test, and gained his freedom on the roads, from the wonderful training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Tony h, Lewis passed his 🚗 test and gained his 🚘🔑🔑 on 3.11.2022
Jess Wynne,
from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire, who has gone and got her 🔑 to freedom, gaining a new life skill and has been 🥳 in her 🚘. Putting all the hard work that's been taught to you. From the dedicated wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Jess gained her independence on 2.11.2022
Aaron Lee Jones,
from Southmead, Bristol has just gained his and is embracing evening rush hour traffic right now. Hope you've got your tunes on. All with the wonderful amazing tuition provided by wonderful bubble instructor Sarah b, Aaron passed his driving test today 1.11.2022
Nick Patounas from Avonmouth Bristol, Nick was struggling to get an instructor, and a new member to the team just happened to have spacing available.
With the amazing professional expert training from BubbLe instructor Kevin k, Nick smashed his 🚘 test and has been out 🥳 last night, from the hard work he put in with Kevin and on his test he's safe and confident in driving and passed for the first time with Kevin on 28.11.2022
Lea Welsh, from Thornbury, South Gloucestershire, who gained their 🔑 to freedom demonstrating anyone can get a driving license if they put the work into it and listening to the fantastic professional teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Tony h. Lea got their freedom on the roads on 23.11.2022
Ryan hill,
from Bishopston, Bristol has been out and about driving in his car after putting in and showing just how good a driver he is. All from the beautiful expert teachings of excellent BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Ryan passed his 🚗 test on 23.11.2022
Gabriel Tarriela, from Brislington, Bristol, who not only has been out driving since his test but 🥳as he passed his driving test on his first attempt too. What a credit to the amazing Wonderful training provided by the one and money BubbLe instructor Elaine c.
Gabriel gained his 🚘🔑🔑 to freedom on 17.11.2022
Araf Rafi, from Horfield, Bristol who not only gained his freedom from the busses, but also passed his 🚗 test first time around as well. Under the watchful eye, and masterful tuition from /bubbLe instructor Lukas b, Araf succeeded in gaining his 🚗🔑 to freedom on 15.11.2022
Katy Harris turn, Katy, who is from shirehampton, Bristol has more than worked hard for this. passing her 🚗 test with the help and amazing tuition from wonderful automatic BubbLe instructor Jamal a, Katy has had her freedom since 8.11.2022.
Olivia Smith,
from Coombe Dingle, Bristol after a long time waiting has been out 🥳 her success and driving her 🚗. Smashing her driving test under the funtastic tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Chris b. Olivia gained her 🔑🔑 to freedom on 11.11.2022
Ellie Brooke Lovell,
from Brislington, Bristol has been out blazing the tunes and singing her heart out having gained her own set of 🚗🔑🔑. Smashing her driving test under then funtastic training from wonderful dad-style instructor Glenn a, Ellie gained her key to freedom on 10.11.2022
Nath hull,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, has only had his freedom a few days and by heck did he smash his test, all thanks to the wonderful amazing training provided by Yate-based instructor Tony h. Nath you got your 🚗🔑🔑 to the road and freedom after passing your test on 9.11.2022
Declan Worboys,
from Bishopsworth, has more than earned this pass, having been struggling to get an instructor since summer 2021 and being patient, and observant with our post blogging, he finally got the amazing BubbLe instructor Glenn as his guide, and after a lot hard work smashed his test. gaining his 🔑🔑 to his independence and getting to work quicker too. Declan passed his driving test on 4.11.2022
A massive well done to you Declan, i know how long it's been for you, and you got there in the end.
Caitlin berry,
from Leyhill, South Gloucestershire, got her freedom from the amazing teachings provided by funtastic BubbLe instructor Tony h.
Cailtin, got her 🚗🔑🔑 and independece on 2.11.2022
Xiyue leng, from Clifton, Bristol whose gone and got her freedom on the roads in her 🚘 having amazing training from wonderful BubbLe instructor Chris b, Xiyue passed her driving test on 1.11.2022
Agne Aukstakojiene, from Hanham, South Gloucestershire, passed her driving test first time in her own car. From the amazing expert-friendly training provided by wonderful bubble instructor Dan m, Ange gained her 🚘🔑🔑 on 28.10.2022
Welcome to the roads Ange, now you don't need your husband to sit at the side of you and have your own freedom.
Annabelle Dunningham,
from Brislington, Bristol has got her 🚘🔑🔑 to freedom, from the amazing training by amazing bubble instructor's Idris and Russ, Annabelle smashed her test first time round and passed on 27.10.2022
Summer Peacock, from Patchway, south Gloucestershire, who got her 🚘🔑 to freedom, from the wonderful expert tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Summer demonstrated shes a safe, comment driver on the roads and passed her 🚗test on 24.10.2022
Harry Walsh, from Chippengham, Wiltshire, has got his 🔑 to freedom, smashing his test the first time around after demonstrating all the expert tuition given by excellent bubbLe instructor Dan m, Harry passed his test in his own 🚗on 21.10.2022
Alyssa Sciver, from Redland, Bristol has now got her legal ticket to drive in the UK, from fantastic tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor, and telling her the only right way to drive is on the left side of the road, she demonstrated she can do it and passed her uk 🚘test on 17.10.2022
Kai chan,
from Shirehampton, Bristol has only gone and got her freedom today. Putting in all the hard work in her tuition, showing how amazing his new driving skills is, all of course from the wonderful training from BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Kai, passed his test today, 13.10.2022
A massive well done to you Kai, welcome to the roads, enjoy your driving and be safe
Paulius Slavickas,
from St Andrews, Bristol, has only gone and cracked it. already been out down the road in his 🚗 having gained his 🔑🔑 to his independence,. Under the amazing tuition from wonderful technical and fun BubbLe instructor Lukas, Paulius passed his driving text on 12.10.2022
Grace Leonard,
from Almondsbury, South Gloucestershire, who smashed her automatic 🚘 test gaining her 🔑 to freedom. Grace passed her test thanks to the amazing safety training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Martin r. She passed on 10.10.2022
Yvonne Sum,
from Stokes Croft, Bristol has only gone and cracked it, grabbing her 🔑🔑 to freedom and smashing her 🚗 test first time pass no less. All because of the amazing fantastic tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas. Yvonne passed her driving test yesterday, 5.10.2022
A massive well done Yvonne, welcome to the roads of freedom with your new essential life skill. no more busses for you
Melissa Mata from Fishponds, South Gloucestershire has been driving for a few weeks now independently, freely, and not relying on a bus once. Milissa smashed her driving test with a first-time pass and 1 minor having put all the effort in fromt the wonderful teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, and gained her 🚘🔑🔑to freedom on 28.10.2022
I would say welcome to the roads but you've been on them a while melissa, hope you're enjoying your new found freedom and independence.
Josh hartry,
from Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire, smashed his 🚘 test first time round and gained his 🔑🔑 to freedom. Putting in and demonstrating how much a skilled driver he is, all down to the amazing professional expert training from amazing BubbLe instructor Tony h, Josh passed his test on 27.10.2022
Kayleigh Green
to the roads, whose from North somerset, and after wonderful expert training from amazing bubbLe instructor, and mums list writer, Singe g, helped Kayleigh succeed in gaining her 🚘🔑🔑 on a first time pass on 25.10.2022
Emily Kington,
from St Werburghs, Bristol has only gone and got her 🚘🔑🔑 after succeeding first time around. Demonstrating the right techniques and competence n driving taught by wonderful and amazing bubbLe instructor Lukas b, Emily is now driving down the M32 belting out her tunes knowing shes got her skill for life after passing her test today, 18.10.2022
Rachel Sherman,
from Bristol city center, who is a lovely lady, from America and has converted her license to a UK one. passing her driving test here first time with only two minors, All with the amazing thanks and help from wonderful bubble instructor Dan m who updated her knowledge in driving and got her to a safe UK standard of driving. Rachel passed her test on 14.10.2022
Alice Proctor,
from Redland, Bristol has only been out and about the weekend beeeping down the road since she gained her 🔑 to freedom on the roads. Having passed her driving test all thanks to the wonderful BubbLe instructor mrs Lukas, she gained her independence on 13.10.2022
Josephi dolores,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, has onyl been out and about 🥳 success after being his 🔑 to freedom. Wonderful bubbLe instructor tony h, who taught him everything and got him to a high safe standard, has only passed his 🚗 test on 10.10.2022
Mikayla Johnson,
from Downend, Sout Gloucestershire, gained her 🚘🔑🔑 after passing her driving test first time around with one minor. From the funtastic great safe training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor dan m, Mikayla passed her automatic driving test on 10.10.2022
Sophie Brace,
from Frampton Cotterell, South Gloucestershire, who again under the amazing tuition provided by wonderful bubble instructor Martin r, gained her freedom on 7.10.2022
Omar Kamal, from Emersons, green, South Gloucestershire, successfully passed his 🚘 test, Having had fantastic expert tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor Martin r, Omar passed his test and gained his 🔑 to freedom on 4.10.2022
Daniela Teixeira de Lec, from Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset, who got her 🚘🔑🔑 after so long a wait she is now rid of the busses and has her freedom. Under the motherly wonderful training from BubbLe instructor Charmaine c, Daniela passed her test first time on 27.9.2022
Oscar Sullivan,
from Bishopsworth, Bristol has got his 🔑 to freedom too, having been trained by the amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine c, oscar passed his 🚘 test on 26.9.2022
Ashleigh Roberts,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire has gained her 🚘🔑 to independence, having smashed her driving test the second time round. Ashleigh put in all the hard work from the expert tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m and started 🥳 on 26.9.2022
Iwona Kaczuba,
from Lawerence Weston, Bristol, has only gone got her 🔑 to freedom smashing her 🚘 test. Putting in all the hard work that wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas put in her training, Owona, passed her driving test on 20.9.2022
Abbie Thomas,
from Lyde Green, South Gloucestershire has only gone and got her 🔑to freedom as she has passed her 🚘 test first time. All while under the expert tuition provided by amazing bubbLe Instructor Martin r, Abbie passed her test on 13.9.2022
Stephanie Parker, from Keynsham, Bath, and North East Somerset, who got her freedom on the roads with a first-time pass in automatic. Stephaine has been out in 🚘🥳 her success. All thanks to the amazing funtastic tuition from wonderful BubbLe Instructor Dan m. Stephanie passed her test on 8.9.2022
Welcome to the roads Stephaine, and gain your 🔑 to freedom with your new life skill
Carmen Leong,
from Bedminster, Bristol, has got her 🚘🔑 and been 🥳 her success, under the amazing wonderful teachings from BubbLe instructor Nuha A, Carmen on got her freedom, and successfully passed her driving test on 2.9.2022 Whilst also maintaining Nuhas 100% success record too.
Kimberlie Ushiro,
from Keynsham, Bath & North east Somerset, Has long been waiting for this day. After many test cancelations by the DVSA, and undergoing amazing training from wonderful motherly BubbLe instructor Charmaine c, Kimberlie passed her Automatic 🚘driving test on .30.9.2022
John Pratt ,
from Thornbury, South Gloucestershire, has cracked it, gaining his own 🚘🔑 and 🥳 having smashed his test first time round, and with 0 faults, all that hard work put in from the funtastic in-depth teachings of BubbLe instructor Dan a. John passed his test on 27.9.2022
Sheldon James
to the roads, from Staplehill, South gloucestershire, now has his 🔑 to freedom and independence. Putting in all the hard graft taught by wonderful BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Sheldon passed his 🚘 test on 26.9.2022
Daniel O'Neil,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, who smashed his driving test under the amazing training provided by BubbLe instructor Tony h, Daniel passed his test back on 21.9.2022
Gabrielle Wiltshire,
from South Gloucestershire, has only gone and got her 🚘🔑 and is right now out on the roads 🥳 with her success. Gabrielle smashed her test all with the help from wonderful BubbLe Instructor Dan m and is now fully independent passing her test on 14.9.2022
Lauren Stone,
from Whitchurch, Bristol has only got her 🚗🔑 after smashing her 🚘 test. Laren has been learning to drive with amazing bubble instructor Elaine c, and passed her driving test on 12.9.2022
Joshua Taduran,
from Southmead, Bristol has only passed his 🚘test Saturday morning gaining his 🔑 to freedom. Joshua passed his test today after the amazing wonderful training provided by BubbLe Instructor Chris B. Joshua passed his test first time on 11.9.2022
Kane Price,
from Almondsbury, South Gloucestershire, passed his driving test first tie with 0 faults, gaining his 🚘🔑 and starting his 🥳. Kane successfully passed his test form the amazing automatic tuition from wonderful BubbLe Instructor Martin r. Kane passed his test on 8.9.2022
Jade Pearcy,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, on passing her driving test under the amazing training from wonderful BubbLe instructor Tony h. Jade passed her 🚗 test and gained her 🔑 too freedom and independence on 25.8.2022
Piotr Szczypek,
from Lawerance Weston, Bristol who got his 🚘🔑 having passed his test all thanks to the funtastic lessons provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas. Piotr passed his test on 18.8.2022
Zach Ellaway,
from Southmead, Bristol has only statred 🥳 him gaining his 🚘🔑. Zach successfully passed his driving test after some training from the wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b and passed his test on 12.8.2022
Curt Helliwell, from SouthMead, Bisotl has only gone and got his 🔑 to independence passing his 🚗 test after the amazing fun-filled tuition from amazing bubbLe instructor Marcus s. Curt passed his test on 11.8.2022
Ella caton,
from Bishopston, Bristol who been 🥳 her success and driving her 🚘 with her 🔑 to freedom. Ella successfully passed her driving test with a big help in teaching her how to drive from wonderful bubbLe instructor Sarah b. Ella passed her test on 10.8.2022
Ryan Ashton-Jones,
from Badmington, South Gloucestershire has only gone and cracked it, from the calming training and reassuances from funtastic BubbLe instructor Dan a, Ryan 🥳 and gained his 🚗🔑 to independence and passed his test on 1.8.2022
Jamie Blackett,
from Bristol City center, got his freedom and independence. Having had the bank holiday weekend to get that freedom in. Jamie had some amazing training from wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas, and he succeeded in passing his test on 26.8.2022
Bettina Kohan,
from Horfield, Bristol has gone and got her freedom, having had covid impact on her driving and tests she has finally succeeded and under the watchful eye and tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, she passed her 🚗 test and gained her 🔑 to freedom on 25.8.2022
Charlie Lockett,
from St George, Bristol has only been out and about enjoying her independence. Charlie passed her driving test under the amazing training from wonderful bubble instructor Glenn A and passed her test on 23.8.2022
Jessica Caines,
from Bristol, has only been out 🥳 her gaining her 🚘🔑🔑 having passed her driving test first time, all for the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Glenn a. Jessica passed her driving test on 15.8.2022
Kiana west, from Bishopston, Bristol smashed her driving test first time ound under the careful expert training from fabulous BubbLe instructor Marcus S. Kiana passed her test on 11.8.2022
Debbie Lee,
from Redland, Bristol has been 🥳 this last week her success after gaining her 🚗🔑 top freedom, passing her test first time round under the fantastic motherly training from wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Debbie passed her driving test on 5.8.2022
Indika Vidana Pathiranage, from Staplehill, South Gloucestershire, has like everyone else smashed his test and passed first time with zero driving faults, all due to the hard work he did on his test from the fantastic training from BubbLe instructor Dan m. Indika gained his 🚗🔑 and 🥳 his freedom on 3.8.2022
Shuvasree Maitra,
Now hits the road with a 1st time test pass, special thanks to her instructor Sylwia . 29.7.2022
Amelia Stavros,
from Southmead, Bristol has also been 🥳 having gained her 🚗🔑 to independence, under the amazing funtastic training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Sylwia M, Amalia pass her test first time on 22.7.2022
Sam Fletcher, from Southmead, Bristol has gone his freedom, Yes 🥳 success and driving indipendently now for just over a week, sam gained his 🚗🔑 after putting all the hard work in on his test from the amazin tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Chris b. Sam passed his test on 19.7.2022
Tobias Harris, from Old Market, Bristol has only gone and been celebrating this weekend with his 🔑to freedom with his 🚘. having smashed his driving test first time round with only 3 driving faults. From the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas B, Tobias passed his driving test on 8.7.2022
Hannah Nott, from Congresbury, NorthSomerset has onyl gone and done it, shes already spent the weekend 🥳 her freedom with her 🔑 to success.
Hannah passed her driving test having put all the hard effort in, under the watchful Ee from amzing BubbLe instructor Singe g, and gained her freedom on 21.7.2022
Charlie Turner,
from Redland, Bristol gained his 🚗🔑 and 🥳 his success, passing his driving test from the amazing, in-depth training from wonderful BubbLe instructor Martin r. Charlie smashed his test first time on 29.7.2022
LOK YI LO, delayed success prevails huge congrats to Lok another new driver hits the roads of Britain, well done another success by Sylwia. 29.7.2022
Holly Edgar
from Keynsham, successfully passed her driving test today. Freedom of the open road now beckons. Another great result with tremendous help from her instructor Kris A passed 28.7.2022
A forgotten test pass from the amazing Sarah b,
Alastair Russell, from Lawrence Weston passed his driving test under amazing Bubble instructor Sarah B on 11.7.2022.
Cathleen Nelmes, from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, got her freedom, thats right, she has her 🚘🔑 now, having passed her driving test first time round with zero faults, performing well on the test from the wonderful expert training given by bubble instructor Dan m, Cathleen passed on 13.7.2022.
Kitty So, from Weston Super Mare, who successfully passed her 🚘🚗 test all with the help and dedication to amazing BubbLe instructor Singent G. Kitty passed her test on 24.6.2022
A massive well-done kitty you had a few days of freedom and gained your 🔑 to independence.
Miss Amber Knowles, from Totterdown, Bristol has gone her since she has only gone and got her driving license now.
Passing her driving test under the fantastic training from amazing BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Amber passed her test and started on 27.6.2022
Juliette Cardenas,
from Patchway, South Gloucestershire has racked it and taken the wheel clamps off with her 🔑 to freedom on the roads.
Julliette smashed her 🚘 test under the amazing watchful eye of BubbLe instructor Sarah b, and started 🥳 on 24.6.2022
Eloise Manning, from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire has only been out 🥳as she gained her 🔑 to freedom passing her 🚗🚘test. Not only did she pass her test she smashed it on a first-time pass, and zero faults. From the fantastic training from amazing bubbLe instructor Martin r, Eloise passed her test on 16.6.2022
Leanna Hooper,
from warmley, South Gloucestershire gained her freedom on the roads under the fantastic training provided by Bubble instructor Elaine c, Leanna, keep up that safe driving. Leanna passed her 🚘 test on 9.6.2022
Josh Gill,
from Knowle, Bristol has got his freedom with his 🔑 and 🚘. Smashing his test under the expert eye of BubbLe instructor elaine c, Josh 🥳 his success on 8.6.2022
Hannah Sockett, from Stockwood, Bristol got her freedom and 🥳 her success by grabbing her 🔑 and 🚘 off into the wild. Hannah gained her freedom after the amazing teachings from wonderful bubble instructor Glenn a, and passed her test on 7.6.2022
Mimi Jagroop,
from Cotham, Bristol started her 🥳 after gaining her 🔑 to freedom, passing her 🚗🚘 test, Under the amazing training and banterful lessons from wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas, Mimi smashed her test first time on 2.6.2022
Felicity Bloom,
from Clifton, Bristol has gone and got her 🔑and has been 🥳her success in passing her 🚘🚗 test. Under the amazing watchful eye of BubbLe Driving instructor Dan m, With only two minors she smashed her test on 1.6.2022
Sajid Hussain, from St Paul's , Bristol has gone his 🚘🔑 to freedom, after successfully passing his driving test 1st time round with only 2 driving faults, all with the amazing thanks to the wonderful BubbLe driving instructor Lukas.
Sajid smashed his test and is starting his 🥳 today, 30.6.2022
Brandon Baker, from Bridgewater, smashed and we me smashed his 🚘🚗 test passing first time round and with zero faults.
All because of the hard work Brandon put in after wonderful BubbLe instructor dan m cracked the whip.
Brandon passed his test on 27.6.2022
Simone Aparecida Vieira Hoffmann, from Kingswood, Southgloucestershire has only gone and got her 🔑 to her 🚗 after successfully smashing her driving test.
Under the amazing expert eye of wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan m, Simone not only passed her test but passed it 1t time with 3 minors on 23.6.2022
Welcome to the roads of freedom Simone, Hope you have enjoyed the last few days with your new independence.
Finn Meehan, from Hotwells, Bristol has only gone and cracked it, passing his test under the amaizng expert eye of BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Finn passed his 🚘🚗 test and started his 🥳 on 16.6.2022
A massive well done finn, now you got your 🔑 too freedom, welcome to the roads.
Ana Varanita, from Downend, South Gloucestershire got her 🔑 too freedom. after passing her driving test first time from the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan m, ana passed her test on 8.6.2022
Leon bell, from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire, who got his 🔑 to freedom on the roads. Passing his 🚘 test under the technical and banterful training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Chris b. Leon smashed his test and began his 🥳 on 7.6.2022
Josh Jerrome, from Chew magma, Bath and North East Somerset, like everyone has been enjoying the past week driving his 🚗 and 🥳 his success. From the amazing training provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Josh got his 🔑 to freedom on 5.6.2022
Eduarda Bardavid,
from Clifton, Bristol, Who with the dedication from wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b, passed her 🚘test and started 🥳 her freedom on 2.6.2022
Shmuel Makmel,
from Henbury, Bristol got his 🔑 to freedom and is 🥳 their success all thanks to amazng BubbLe istructor Chris b. Shmuel passed their 🚗 test on 30.5.2022
Jake Mason,
from Redland, Bristol has also got his 🔑 to freedom, after smashing his 🚘🚗 first time round under the banterful micky taking tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Garry m. Jake passed his test and started his 🥳 on 24.5.2022
Zoe White , from Redfield, Bristol has only gone and cracked it, gaining her 🔑 to freedom, Zoe who had been learning to drive for a while, and been delayed by covid, passed her 🚘 test under the fantastic tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor on 13.5.2022
Shay Sainsbury,
from Bristol, has only got his freedom and cracked it, under the amazing new instruction from wonderful BubbLe instructor Julian, Shay passed his test on 9.5.2022 It's also a double whammy too, as this is Julian's first test pas since he became an instructor ate last year.
Jordan, From North Somerset, has only got her freedom, been beep beeping down the roads since she passed his test from the amazing fantastic tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Singe G. Jordan passed her driving test on 6.5.2022 not only is Jordan happy but so is singe as its his first test pass since he became an instructor earlier this year. a double whammy.
Zoe Powell, from Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire, has only got her freedom, passing her test under the careful eye of amazing bubbLe instructor Dan a, Zoe passed her test on 3.5.2022
Poppy Allen,
from Filton, South Gloucestershire, has only gone and passed her 🚘test with 1 minor. After a lot of false starts and delays, Poppy has now mastered her driving under the amazing guidance and fun tuition from BubbLe instructor Marcus s. Poppy passed her test on 31.5.2022 and is now 🥳 her success.
Melis Ekren,
from Redland, Bristol has only gone and smashes their 🚗 test first time around, and 🥳 as they passed with 0 faults. from the fantastic amazing training provided by wonderful bubbLe instructor Chrs b, Melis pass their test on 27.5.2022
Chloe Leonard,
from Bristol, has only gone and gotten her 🔑 to freedom and 🥳🥳 her passing her 🚘🚗 test. After delays she successfully passed her driving test from the amazing tuition provided by wonderful BubbLe instructor Nuha a on 25.5.2022
Ben Thackray,
from Emerson's Green, South Gloucestershire has only gone and got his 🔑 to freedom, Under the fantastic tuition provided by amazing BubbLe Instructor Jenny w, Ben Passed his 🚗 test on 12.5.2022
James Anders,
from Kingswood, has got his freedom as well, from the banterful tuition provided by then cheeky bubble instructor Tony h, James got his freedom on 10.5.2022
Ayisha Grant, from Whitehall, Bristol has only gone and passed her driving test, Having made silly mistakes in the past, Aysha had to resit her driving test as an extended test, but she got there in the end, and overcame so many boundary's and is now one the safest drivers out there.
Under the expert calming tuition from wonderful BubbLe instructor Glenn A, Ayisha passed her driving test on 5.5.2022
Lauren Thompson,
from Redland, Bristol has only gone and been enjoying her freedom. From the fantastic teaching from wonderful BubbLe Instructor Sarah b, Lauren passed her driving test on 27.4.2022
Chloe Beard, from Downend, South Gloucestershire has only gone and passed her 🚗 test. Under the amazing eye of BubbLe instructor Martin r, Chloe Passed her test on 25.4.2022
And our most recent pass,
Mick Bennett,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, gained his freedom and independence under the technical in-depth training from amazing BubbLe instructor Martin r. Nick passed his driving test on 21.4.2022
Another success to the roads,
Callum Harris,
From Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire passed his driving test under the expert eye of wonderful BubbLe instructor Dan a and got his freedom and independence on 13.4.2022
Harriet dooley, from Redand, Bristol got her keys, and her freedom and probably right now is belting the tune out her car, after her successful test pass all with the help of amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Harriet passed her driving test today, 7.4.2022
Douglas LyLe, From Bristol, got his freedom as well on 4.4.2022, under the eyes of amazing bubbLe instructor Lukas, again an amazing result even better is a first-time pass.
Ollie Ellaway, from Southmead, Bristol has got his 🚗keys, and 🥳hi freedom, that's to the amazing tuition provided by the wonderful BubbLe instructor Lukas. Ollie gained his freedom on 28.4.2022
Max Taylor,
from Bedminster, Bristol has only gone and got his freedom, 🥳his freedom and driving his 🚗 he passed his driving test with he amazing guidance and tuition from fantastic bubbLe instructor Elaine c, Max passed his test on 28.4.2022
Leanne Jones, from Bedminster, Bristol has only gone and Cracked it passing her 🚗 Test, under the amazing training From fantastic BubbLe instructor's Jamal a, and help from Russell M, Leanne only gone and got her freedom yesterday, 25.4.2022
Lets keep these wheels rolling🥳,
India Beckinsale, from Bristol, got her pass, and has been driving on by since she passed her test with the help from the wonderful fantastic BubbLe instructor Sarah b, India passed her driving test on 18.4.2022
A massive welcome to
Kimberley Georgina Beaumont,
from Bristol who passed her driving test after putting all her skills taught to her by amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b, she succeeded in gaining her independence on 12.4.2022
Amun Omar,
from bristol, only gone got his car keys, after some amazing training from fantastic BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Amun passed her driving test on 6.4.2022
Joe Page, from Bristol gained his freedom, under the careful expert tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas b, Not only did he pass his driving test but passed it first attempt on 4.4.2022
Ayusmana Adarsha Samal, from Stoke Gifford, South Gloucestershire has only gone and found his independence, under the careful expert tuition from wonderful BubbLe instructor sarah b, Ayusmana passed his driving test on 28.3.2022
Jesica Pierdona, from Downend, South Gloucestershire has got her freedom, Not only smashing her driving test she had the rarest of rare clean sheet result, aka no fault, all with the thanks and help from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m. Jesica passed her test on 19.3.2022
Lizzie Pitt, from Yate, South Gloucestershire, has got her freedom, under the careful amazing eye from the wonderful BubbLe instructor Martin R, she passed her driving test on 17.3.2022
Aiden Abraham, from Patchway, South Gloucestershire has got his keys too. under the amazing technical and calming eye of amazing BubbLe instructor Chris b, Aiden passed his driving test and got his freedom on 7.3.2022
Sophie Smith,
from Stockwood, Bristol has gone and cracked her driving test, with only 3 driving faults, she successfully passed her test under the amazing tuition from bubble instructor Glenn A and passed her test on 3.3.2022
Scott Daniels,
from st George, Bristol, has his car keys in his pockets now, all with the thanks for the amazing tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m. Scott smashed his test first attempt on 29.3.2022
Kristopher Davis,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire has only gone and cracked it, after delays with covid, and difficulties finding a driving instructor, Kris got his freedom all thanks to the wonderful amazing teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Jamal A. Kris successfully passed his driving test on 21.3.2022
Joanna Shaw,
from chew Magna, North Somerset, has got her freedom, gained her independence, and is speeding down the country lanes, all with the help from amazing tuition from BubbLe instructor Elaine C. Joanna passed her driving test on 18.3.2022
Seth Kingston,
from Bedminster, Bristol got his freedom too, we are belting them out lately, Seth under the motherly and friendly tuition from the wonderful bubble instructor Elaine c helped him gain his freedom and passed his test on 3.3.2022
Edward Henderson,
from Thornbury, South Gloucestershire got his freedom a few days ago. with the calming influence from bubble instructor Dan A, Edward passed his driving test with flying color's on 4.3.2022
Morgan Westcott ,
from Bedminster Down, Bristol has gone and got her freedom and disome carpool karokee this week, having successfuly passed her driving test under the fantadtic tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine C, Morgan passed their test on 24.2.2022
Rose Tanner from Winterbourne, and Jake Thomas
from Yate, south gloucestershire have only both gone and got their freedom on the same day, Both under the expert training from amazing BubbLe instructor Tony h, they both passed their tests on 22.2.2022
Leena Sanders,
from Bristol, has only gone and smashed it, under the amazing expert training from Bubble instructor dan m, Leena passed her driving test on 21.2.2022
Salman Ossenbox, from Stapleton, South Gloucestershire has only gone got his freedom and enjoyed his first week tooting down the roads. All with thanks to amazing bubbLe instructor Dan m, Salman passed his test on 3.2.2022
Reece Cammock, from Bristol city Centre, smashed his driving test yesterday, under the careful expert tuition from fantastic BubbLe instructor Lukas, Reece passed his driving test on 1.2.2022
Cynthia Byabato,
from brentry, Bristol got her freedom on 28.2.2022 thanks the expert amazing tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b.
Siobhan McCluskey,
from Bristol has only gone and got her car keys, and best part she had her first independent drive from the test center. Under the careful, fun teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Siobhan passed her driving test on 23.2.2022.
Nicola Blinco, from St George, Bristol has got her freedom, having been training by ex BubbLe instructor Richard m, and her current BubbLe instructor Jenny w, Nicola smashed her test pass on 22.2.2022
Laura Kynaston,
from Bradley stoke has got her freedom, though she will miss her instructor the amazing sylwia, Laura passed her test on 3.2.2022
Cleo Nester, from Stockwood, Bristol, has only gone and got her freedom, Under the fantastic professional driving lessons from amazing BubbLe instructor Glenn a, Cleo passed her driving test on 2.2.2022
Hana Ghalib, from Bristol has only gone and got her freedom, she successfully passed her driving test thanks to the amazing automatic tuition from bubble instructor Dan m on 28.1.2022
Tierney Lawes,
from patchway, South Gloucestershire has got her freedom today, after listening carefully, and growing i coinfindence, shes shamsed her driving test thanks to the expert training from BubbLe instructors Chris b and Sarah b, she passed today, 26.1.2022
Sam hill, from Bristol like all the others has got his freedom. Under then amazing teaching and fantastic tuition from BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Sam passed his test and got his keys on 21.1.2022
Josh skillin,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire only gone and got his freedom, After perservering with learning to drive through the pandemic, jsh got his freedom thanks to the amazing expert taining from BubbLe instructor tony h on 18.1.2022
Nikki Moat
has got her freedom, after a long time coming Nikki gained her freedom today and passed her driving test after the amazing careful expert training from amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas.
Nikki passed her test on 20.1.2022
A delayed start from us this year but, Ashwini Kote Basavaraj,
from Stoke Gifford, South gloucestershire took a sneaky driving test on 3rd January 2022, and only gone and got her freedom, Martin R, her BubbLe instructor taught her the skills to succeed and amazingly got her freedom.
Connor Jefferies,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire has smashed it, like everyoe with the pandemic and test delays hes got it, under the amazing expert tuition from BubbLe instructor Tony h, Connor passed his test on 21.1.2022
Sam hill,
from Bristol like all the others has got his freedom. Under then amazing teaching and fantastic tuition from BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Sam passed his test and got hiskeys on 21.1.2022
Cory Prendergrast
has cracked it, after delays and long waits for his test he only gone and cracked it, under the fu and banterful training from BubbLe instructor Tony h, cory passed his test on 18.1.2022
Erin Welsh, from thornbury absolutley smashed her driving test, under the wonder teaching eye of BubbLe instructor Tony H, erin passed her test on 15.1.2022
from st werbugh, Bristol only gone and cracked it a great start to the new year, trained taught and skilled by Amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Agata smashed her driving test and gained her freedom on 5.1.2022
Terry Bennett,
from Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire has only gone and got his freedom, putting all the hard work in under the amazing training from BubbLe instructor dan m, Terry passed his test today 20.12.2021
Richard Galbraith,
from Ashley Down, Bristol has only gone and cracked it, just in time for christmas too. From the amazing tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Richard passed his test on 16.12.2021
Victoria Parsons ,
from Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire has gone and smashed it, passing her driving test first time with only 4 driving faults, a damn good result too. All this success from the amazing training, teaching and calming lessons provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, Victoria passed her driving test on 15.12.2021
Emma Blockley,
from St George, Bristol has only got her freedom, on a weekend with a first time pass. Under the funtastic tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, Emma passed her test on 11.10.2021
Craig Jefferson, from Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire, has only gone and done it. Gaining his freedom on the roads of independence, Under the careful expert watchful eye from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan a,Craig passed his test on 7.12.2021
Louise Taylor,
from Downend, South Gloucestershire has only gone and got her freedom, after persevering for years on public transport, shes has now get her freedom, and not only that she passed her driving test first time round as well. Under the careful and amazing expert eye of BubbLe instructor Dan m Louise passed her test on 3.12.2021
Amber Hallam,
from Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire has only gone and got her freedom. Having done her driving test in her own car and putting all that expert skills that Fantastic bubble instructor Martin r has taught her, she passed her driving test on 1.12.2021
Well 2021 end on a high for Harvey Greenslade,
he successfully passed his driving test on 30.12.2021 with the amazing teachings from BubbLe instructor Dan A.
Natalia Górzkowska,
from Fishponds, South Gloucestershire has gone and got her freedom just in time for the Christmas shopping. Natalia smashed her test on 17.12.2021 with the thanks and amazing training provided by the fantastic BubbLe instructor Mr Dan m.
Yiu Lam Cheng, from frenchay, South Gloucestershire has done it, got his freedom just in time for the christmas rush. A fantastic result for you yiu, under the amazing kind training from bubble instructor Dan A, yiu passed their test on 16.12.2021
Emad Shamroukh,
from St George, Bristol has gone and cracked it, With expert tuition, fun filled lessons and great teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Kris a, Emad, passed his driving test on 14.12.2021
Jack Dobie, from Patchway, Bristol got his freedom, Yes that's right he passed his driving test first time, showing of all his skills that amazing, calming BubbLe tutor taught him, mr Rob S. Jack passed his driving test on 9.12.2021
Abbie Pomphrey,
from Fishponds, South Gloucestershire has only gone and got her freedom. Under the careful expert fun training from amazing BubbLe instructor Martin R, Abbie passed her driving test on 7.12.2021
Amber Phillips,
from Bristol has only gone and got her freedom, Under the expert friendly eye of amazing BubbLe instructor Martin R, Amber passed her driving test on 7.12.2021
Dominic Peake,
from Bristol successfully passed his driving test last week, With the great fun filled tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas B, Dominic passed his test on 2.12.2021
Itxaso Leonard,
from Clifton, Bristol has only gone and got her freedom today. Under the careful indepth watchful eye of fantastic bubble instructor Lukas, Itxaso passed her driving test today, 25.11.2021
Bhavina Khambhaita, from Westbury Park, Bristol has only gone and passed her test under the expert tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor sarah b, Bhavina has had a fe days no on the road having passed her test on 18.11.2021
Tom Cleary,
from Westbury on trym, Bristol has only gone and got his freedom, after patiently learning throughout the lockdowns under the calming influence and tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Rob s, has finally paid off and he successfully passed his driving test on 15.11.2021
Bartek from Lawrence Weston,
Bristol has only gone and smashed it, after doing private practise and a few lessons with the wonderful BubbLe instructor Mr Lukas, Bartek passed his driving test on 15.11.2021
Morgan Melksham, from Bradley Stoke, South gloucestershire has only gone and cracked it and passed their driving test first time round. Under the expert tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor rob s, Morgan passed their test on 12.11.2021.
Yi Cheng Chan,
from Horfield, Bristol has only gone and done it, After many delays with covid lockdowns, yi passed her driving test under the warming teachings from BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Yi passed her test on 9.11.2021
Natasha Jones, from St George, Bristol has only gone and passed her driving test. Under the banterful expert tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Garry m, Natasha passed her driving test on 8.11.2021
Jamie Sheppard, from Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire has only gone and passed his driving test. Under the calming expert eye of amazing BubbLe instructor Dan A, Jamie passed his test on 29.11.2021
Alex Ware,
from Frampton cottrell, South gloucestershire has only gone and got their freedom today. Under the careful indepth eye of amazing BubbLe instructor rob s, passed his test on 24.11.2021
Bartlomiej Dobija ,
from Lockleaze, Bristol has only gone and cracked it, after many delays in driving from covid, Bartlomiej passed their test under the in-depth fantastic tuition from BubbLe instructor Chris b on 23.11.2021
Laura McEwan,
from bristol city centre has gone and cracked it, she passed her driving test today, under the fun filled training and expert tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Marcus S, Laura passed her driving test on 15.11.2021
Josie Wells,
from Winterbourne, South gloucestershire like so many has cracked their driving test first time, under the amazingly detailed tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Martin r, Josie passed her test first time with only one driving fault on 12.11.2021.
Patryk Olesinski,
from Henbury, Bristol has only gone and smashed his driving test. Under the careful and expert eye of amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas, Patryk passed his test today the 99.11.2021
Jemima Cockerton,
from Clifton, Bristol has got her set of car keys and is now bubbling long the roads of Bristol. Under the great calming teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Rob s, Jemima passed her test today, 9.11.2021
Yasmin Arfaoui, from Whitchurch, Bristol has only gone and passed her driving test on Monday 1st November. With the amazing tuition and training provided by the cheeky BubbLe instructor Mr Garry m.
Toby store,
from Fishponds, South Gloucestershire has only gone and passed his driving test. Under the expert eye, motherly teachings and cheeky whitty personality of funtastic bubble instructor Jenny w, she helped Toby develop his driving skills to a very high safe standard, and with that knowledge, Toby passed his driving test on 28.10.2021
Charlotte Gleed ,
from Bromley Heath, South Gloucestershire has only gone and get her freedom, well shes had it for a week now, Charlotte passed her driving test, albeit from the fantastic expert tuition and training from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan a on 23.10.2021
Millie Schofield , from westbury on trym, Bristol has just got her keys for freedom today, under the calming relaxed tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Rob s, Millie passed her driving test today 21.10.2021
Ellis Cushley,
from Yate, South gloucestershire, like all the rest got his freedom, gaining his independence and safe driving skills from the expert tuition of BubbLe instructor Dan a. Ellis passed his test on 21.10.2021
Maryan Kali,
from fishponds, South Gloucestershire, has only gone and cracked it, passing her driving test with the amazing tuition provided by fantastic BubbLe instructor Kris a. Maryan passed her driving test on 20.10.2021
Miss Chloe Scott, from Brislington, Bristol like so many is the first from today to pass her driving test and get her freedom. Under the amazing warm tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Chloe successfully passed her driving test on 21.10.2021
Isabelle Norman,
from st George Bristol has only gone and passed her test. First time pass all with the help and expert teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Nuuha A. Isabelle passed her driving test on 18.10.2021
Katie Gardiner,
from Bristol has only gone and got her freedom, Katie was taught by the amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah B, Sarah with her warming personality, fun nature helped Katie succeed and feel safe and confidence in her driving abilities. Katie passed her test on 11.10.2021
Megan Mcniven, from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire has finally passed her driving test, after nearly 23 months learning to drive on and off, being delayed by the pandemic, having a bad previous instructor experience has now finally passed her driving test first time round with only 3 Driving faults. With the fantastic tuition, in depth training from amazing BubbLe instructor Kris A, Megan passed her driving test on 11.10.2021
Tom Hodder,
from Downend, South Gloucestershire has only been and got his freedom, With the fantastic in depth and hyper driving tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan M, Tom passed his driving test on 8.10.2021
Imogen Goddard-Jones,
from Westbury on Trym, Bristol has only been and got her freedom, Whilst learning at a great pace and not to impacted by the pandemic, Imogen successfully passed her test, albeit with the help from the wonderful BubbLe instructor Mr Lukas, on 6.10.2021
Mr Maksimilian (Maks) Wlizlo,
from Knowle, Bristol has only been and passed his driving test today in his own car. After alot of tuition from the wonderful Bubble instructor Mrs Elaine c, Maks successfully passed his driving test today, 5.10.2021
Julie Walker,
from Fishponds, South Gloucestershire has only gone and done it. After waiting patiently for so long to start lessons, Julie has successfully got her freedom, with the fast talking funny guy that is BubbLe instructor Dan m. Under his tuition she successfully passed her driving test on 2.10.2021
Kate Fleming,
from Hotwells, Bristol has only gone and got her freedom, with the amazing teachings from BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Kate passed her driving test first time on 29.10.2021
Aloma Drew, from Fishponds, South Gloucestershire, has only been and done it, In fact, n the words of BubbLe instructor Dan m, Who with his amazing fun personality in teaching got Aloma to a very high safe driving standard said:
"Thrilled to say that another pupil just kicked ass. Aloma Drew has just passed her driving test at Kingswood DTC this morning. It was her first time pass with just 3 minor faults"
Aloma passed her driving test on 27.10.2021
Ella Wamsley,
from Bristol has only got her freedom. Well say only, she passed her driving test last week, with the amazing teachings, fun and experienced personality from amazing BubbLe instructor Sylwia M, Ella passed her test first time round with 0 driving faults on 26.10.2021
Ezra Angel, from Bishopston, Bristol like so many smashed his driving test today. Under the amazing fantastic tuition from BubbLe instructor Sarah b, Ezra passed his test on 21.10.2021
Tegan Berry,
from Wooton-Under_Edge, South Gloucestershire has smashed it. No not crashed, But smashed her driving test. Under the watchful eye, and funtastic tuition from amazing BubbLe Instructor Dan a, Tegan passed her test on 20.10.2021
Katie Meaking,
from Bristol has only gone and got her freedom. With the indepth fantastic teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Sylwia M, with her guidance helped Katie successfully pass her driving test on 19.10.2021
Hamza abdilahai,
from Whitehall, Bristol only been and cracked it first time on his test, Under the amazing tuition and teaching of the wonderful BubbLe instructor Mr Jamal A, who with his fresh in depth training knowledge, his calming personality, helped Hamza succeed in passing his test on 13.10.2021
Hollie Shone, from Filton, south gloucestershire has now got her freedom, On a buzz right now after passing her driving test today, Hollie passed her test from the amazing teachings, training and calming influence from BubbLe instructor Mr Rob s and passed today 13.10.2021
Mathew Randell,
from Horfield, Bristol has only got his freedom now. A fantastic result from Mathew and all down to the expert tuition from BubbLe instructor Marcus s. Well done Mathew on passing your test 12.10.2021
Mr Anonymous,
from Bristol has only gone and passed their driving test today, 11.10.2021 with the help or Amazing BubbLe instructor Mr lukas.
Oliver Edwards,
from Cribbs causeway, South Gloucestershire has only gone and passed his test today, 7.10.2021 in his own car. With the fantastic tuition and training given by wonderful BubbLe instructor Sarah b.
Sylvie Smith, from Hotwells, Bristol like everyone smashed her driving test, not only that she passed first time. Now Sylvie did put all the hard work in on the day thanks to the amazing technical expert tuition from the wonderful BubbLe instructor Mr Marcus s. Sylvie passed her test on 4.10.2021
Charmaine Curthoys, from Knowle, Bristol smashed her driving test with the banterful tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Garry m. Charamine gained her car keys on Friday 1st October 2021 a great staart to the autumn.
Sukhananda Prabhu, from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire successfully got her freedom on 28.9.2021 with the amazing expert tuition from BubbLe instructor Rob s.
Jeannie Marx,
from Bedminster, Bristol as finally got her own set of car keys, and with the amazing Guidence and relaxing tution from BubbLe instructor Glenn A, Jeannie passed her driving test first time on 23.9.2021
Lorna O'Connell,
from Bishopston, Bristol has only gone and passed it. After many months and delays with the pandemic, Lorna has onyl got her freedom, witht he expert tuitopn from BubbLe Instructor Sarah b orna passed her test on 21.9.2021
Amy Parkin, from Southmead, Bristol has only gone and passed her driving test. Now she is drigin in her car, but its not quite like a jaguar. A massive well done to amy for passing with the fantastic teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Sarha b. Amy passed on 16.9.2021
Rebecca Gimber,
from Frampton Cotterell, South Gloucestershire has her own set of car keys and now no longer needs to nick them from her instructor. Rebecca successfully passed her driving test with the amazing teachings and guidance from BubbLe instructor Dan a. She passed her test on 16.9.2021
Liz Coombs,
from Whitechurch, Bristol has successfully passed her driving test with the amzing tuition from BubbLe isntructor Elaine c. It has been a long time coming liz but you done it and passed your test on 14.9.2021
Hannah Orchard,
from Kenysham, Bath and North East Somerset has only been and passed her driving test. After so many delays hannah smashed it on 8.9.2021 with the help and expert guidence form amazing BubbLe instructor Jenny w.
Emily Claridge, From Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset has been and passed her driving test as well. Emily successfully passed her test with the expert funtastic teachings from BubbLe Instructor in B.A.N.E.S, Miss Charmaine C. Emily passed her driving test on 2.9.2021
Tim Davies,
from Bristol has only been and passed his second driving test, Tim passed his test many years ago by the owner of bubble, Russell in a automatic, Tim came back to us last year and wanted to do his driving test again for a manual license. ith the amazing fantastic guidance from BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Tim has only been and smashed it. and gained his full manual license now. Hes so happy hes told BubbLe hell be ringing our sister company and gaining his towing license as well. a massive well done to tim who passed his test on 1.9.2021
Rasheeth Ayyamkulam,
from Keynsham, Bath and North east Somerset got his freedom with the amazing crazy teachings from BubbLe instructor charmaine. With her expert guidence, fun perosnality she helped Rasheeth pass his test on 30.9.2021
Haydn May, from Bristol has only gone and got his freedom. Ho longer confind to driving lessons Haydn successful passed his test, with the fantastic tuition provided by Amazing BubbLe iunstructor Kris A. Haydn passed his test on 23.9.2021
Sian Ellis, from Sea Mills, Bristol as only gone and got her own set car keys now. After months of dedicating and paitence, Sian successfully passed her driving test wiht the fantastic teachings from amazng BubbLe instructor Lukas and passed on 22.9.2021
Raheem Hussein,
from Henleaze, Bristol has just got his own keys as well. With the amazing expert tuition from fntastic BubbLe instructor Marcus s, Raheem passed his driving test on 16.9.2021
Niamh Wilbor, from Downend, South Gloucestershire has only been and passed her driving test first time. It really has been a long time coming for Niamh with delays with the pandemci but shes done it and Witht he checky tuition from amazing bubbLe instructor Dan M she passed her test on 14.9.2021
Keerththana Rajendram,
from Filton, South Gloucestershie has only gone and got her freedom. Keeththana successfully passed her driving test with the fantastic motherly teachings of amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b on 8.9.2021
India Beltran, from Cotham, Bristol has only been and smashed her driving test with only 2 minors. fantastic tuition that was comforting India has finally passed her driving test after years of on and off driving. India passed her driving test on 3.9.2021
Hannah Siddiqi, from Holcombe, Bath and North East Somerset has only been and passed her driving test. With the warm motherly teachings and fun filled lessons from Lead B.A.N.E.S Automatic instructor Charmaine Hannah passes her driving test on 1.9.2021.
Shaunie Hall,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire has only gone and passed her driving test. With the in-depth fun tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Martin r, Shaunie passed her test on 3.9.2021
Oliver Lainchbury, from Redland, Bristol has just gained his keys to freedom. Oliver had been delayed by the pandemic but with the patience guidance and fantastic tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Rob s, Oliver passed his test on 2.9.2021
Ehtasham Tariq, from Eastville, Bristol has been and passed his test first time round. Under the careful teachings and professionalism of amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, Ehtasham passed his test on 30.8.2021
Cameron Wakefield, from Stoke Gifford who, under the amazing teachings and training from BubbLe instructor Rob s passed his driving test on 18.8.2021.
Joe Morrish, from Weston Super Mare, North Somerset has only been and done it, passed his driving test with the amazing fantastic teachings of lead Driving instructor for North Somerset, BubbLe Instructor Mike f. A massive well done to Joe on passing his test on 18.8.2021
Name the band that sung that song. Well Samantha Crossley, from Hotwells, Bristol named the tune straight away when she successfully passed her driving test with the amazing Guidance and tuition From fantastic BubbLe instructor Jamal a.
Samantha not only passed her driving test but she smashed it with ZERO driving faults and past her test yesterday 17.8.2021
Nina Botnar,
from Charlton Hayes, South Gloucestershire had been learning to drive since before the pandemic happened, after many delays with learning and DVSA cnceling test shes successfully passed her test with the expert guidence from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m on 10.8.2021
Macey Ryan,
from Brentry, Bristol has only been and passed her driving test first time with the fantastic teachings and guidance from Amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b. She passed her driving test on 9.8.2021
Ollie Burand,
from Filton, Bristol has only been and passed his driving test first time. With the funtastic dedicated tuition from the wonderful BubbLe instructor Mr Marcus, Ollie passed his test on 6.8.2021
Sam Mason, from Cotham, Bristol has only been and passed his driving test first time round with the amazing fun whacky teachings from BubbLe instructor Lukas. Same passed his driving test on 4.8.2021
Thomas Hibberd,
from Charlton Hayes, South gloucestershire, has only been and done it again with the funtastic safe teachings from Amazing BubbLe instructor Rob s. Thomas passed his driving test on 25.8.2021
Lauren Elliott, From Kingswood, South gloucestershire, has only been and passed her driving test, not only a first time pass but with only 4 minors. a fantastic result lauren, and all with the helps and amazing guidance and tuition from BubbLe instructor Dan m. Lauren passed her driving test on 20.8.2021
Sophie Pleass,
from Filton, South gloucestershire successfully passed her driving test and gained a great education in road saftey with the in depth fun tuition from BubbLe instructor Rob s. Sophie passed her test on 18.8.2021
Caitlin Godwin,
from Redland, Bristol, Has only been and smashed her driving test with the fantastic teachings from BubbLe instructor Rob s. A massive well done to Caitlin who passed on 19.8.2021
Alice Wyatt,
from Filton, South Gloucestershire, has only been and passed her driving test. With many months of delay and patience, Alice passed her driving test with the funtastic tuition from amazing Bubble instructor Sarah b. She passed on 12.8.2021
Corinne Walker,
from Bishopston, Bristol absolutely smashed her driving test with the funtastic tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Corrine has been delayed by this pandemic for nearly 2 years but finally passed her test on 9.8.2021
Mikaela Siqueira,
from Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire has only been and passed her driving test with the calming in-depth teachings from amazing BubbLe automatic instructor Martin r. Mikaela passed her driving test on 5.8.2021
John Donnan, from Redfield, Bristol successfully passed his driving test with the kind warm teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Jenny w. John smashed his driving test on 5.8.2021
Megan Odel,
from Redland, Bristol had been delayed so much by COVID-19 lockodonws but with the great teachings and calming infulance from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, Megan passed her driving test on 30.7.2021
Radu Stoica, from Warmley, South Glocestershire like everyone recently has been delayed so often but, with the amazing fantastic teachings from BubbLe instructor Kris a, Radu passed his driving test on 29.7.2021
Andrey ponikar,
from Old Market, Bristol has only been and done it With the fantastic expert calming teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Jamal a(who coincidently this is his first ever test and test pass as a driving instructor) helped Andrey pass his driving test first time on 28.7.2021
Imogen Maguire,
from Stoke gifford, South gloucestershire has only been and passed her driving test first time with 2 driving faults. All with the help and fun crazy teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m. A fantastic result for Imogen whose finally got independence with her new life skill. Imogen passed her test on 28.7.2021
Owen McCarthy,
from Knowle, Bristol, has finally passed his driving test after months of delays by the pandemic. Owne who put all the hard work in on the day was given the fantastic tuion by BubbLe instructor Elaine C, and passed his test on 27.7.2021
Sylvie Whitfield,
from Bristol has got her keys to independence thanks to the amazing guidence and bubbly teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Jenny W she passed her test on 26.7.2021
Tarandeep Kaur,
from Horfield Bristol has only gone and gained a new essential life skill. With calm, cool and collected teachings from BubbLe instructor Dan m, Tarandeep passed her driving test on 22.7.2021
Sally Kite,
from Ashton, Bristol has cracked it, after waiting patiently and being delayed by the pandemic, sally under the fun calming instruction of BubbLe instructor Elaine passed her driving test on 21.7.2021
Will baker, from Bishopston, Bristol has only been and SMASHED it and passed his test with Zero Faults. With the calming great influence and tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Marcus s, Will passed his test on 20.7.2021
Paul Roberts,
from Lawerance Weston, Bristol has only just gone and passed his driving test today with the warm teachings guidance and fun lessons from amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Paul passed his test on 16.7.2021
Charlie Newport,
from Knowle, Bristol like so many been delayed through the pandemic, but with BubbLe instructor Elaines help and amazing guidance, hes only been passed his test on 13.7.2021
Katie Mead,
from Hanham, South Gloucestershire has only been and done it. She brought it home by passing her test with the amazing help and expert guidance from BubbLe instructor Martin r on 10.7.2021
Jay Hollowood,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire has only been doing doughnuts the weekend in celebration of passing his driving test with ZERO driving faults all with the help and amazing Teachings from BubbLe instructor Richard m on 8.7.2021
Megan Fuzzey, from Cadbury Heath, South Gloucestershire
has only gone and passed her driving test. With the expert teachings, fun filled lessons, and professional guidance from Amazing BubbLe instructor Martin, Megan passed her test on 7.7.2021
Meg Barrett,
from Coalpit Heath, South Gloucestershire has onyl been and smashed her drivng test frist time round with the fantastic teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m. Meg passed her test on 30.7.2021
Ruth Hardy,
from Abbots Leigh, Bristol, has only gone and passed her driving test after delays with lockdowns shes finally gained her independence all with the coolest no.1 driving instructor Mike f, Ruth passed her driving test on 29.7.2021
Hannah Edwards,
from Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire has only gone and smashed it. Hannah who had a few set backs was provided amazing teachings by Ex-BubbLe instructor Richard M. Whilst Richard has now left BubbLe, Tim from the office accompanied hannah to test, and she only been and passed her driving test first time with 0 driving faults. A Fantastic and rare achievement and a great end result for Richards long career. Hannah passed her test on 27.6.2021
Zoe Andrews,
from St George, Bristol like so many under amazing BubbLe instructor Martin R guidence and professionalism successfully passed her driving test on 26.7.2021
Sophie Turner, from Harbourside, Brsitol city center has only done it and with the fun, whacky teachings from the one and only BubbLe instructor Lukas B, Sophie gained her keys to independence on 23.7.2021
Aoife Wellman,
from Bishop Sutton, Bath And North East Somerset has only been and done it not only has she passed her driving test but she passed with zero faults. A very high achievement to say the least. With the fun, crazy calming Automatic lessons provides by lead B.A.N.E.S Automatic instructor Charmaine c, Aoife passed her test on 21.7.2021
Thomas Griffith,
from Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire has only been and passed his driving test with the fantastic teachings from amazing bubble instructor Kris a, Thomas passed on 21.7.2021
Rhys day, from Bishopston, Bristol like so many recently has passed his driving test whilst battling the pandemic for his driving test. With the warm friendly tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine, Rhys passed his test on 20.7.2021
Chloe Drew,
from Frampton Cotterall, South Gloucestershire has only gone and done it, and is now girl racing down the A46 thanks to the amazing teachings, from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan a. Chloe did all the hard work she'd been taught and passed her test on 16.7.2021
Shaun Holt,
from Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire had been delayed throughout this whole pandemic but has now only been and got his car keys to independence with the help and expert tuition from Automatic BubbLe instructor Martin r. Shaun passed on 14.7.2021
Brandon Reynolds,
Bedminster, Bristol has only been and done it, causing mayhem on the roads now with his independence. Brandon passed his driving test first time with only 1 driving fault thanks to the expert amazing teachings for bubble instructor Dan m on 8.7.2021
Miles Price, from Clevedon, North Somerset successfully and patiently passed his driving test after all the lockdowns, with the fun filled calming teaching guidance from amazing North Somerset BubbLe Driving Instructor Mike F. Mile passed his test on 1.7.2021
Josh Gills,
from Pathway, South Gloucestershire been delayed in gaining his keys to independence for a long time now because of the lockdown's, but thanks to the great teachings from BubbLe instructor Chris b, he passed his test on 30.6.2021
Liane Moon,
Horfield, Bristol finally got her keys to independence, After many months of delays from lockdowns, she passed her driving test with the motherly fun driving lessons provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Liane passed on 17.6.2021
Felicity Cole,
from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire destroyed her test and passed her test thanks to the amazing expert training and fun lessons from amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b. She passed her test in her own car on 16.6.2021
Joanna Burch-Brown, from Bishopston has successfully gained her keys to independence with the fantastic tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Marcus S. Joanna Passed first time round with only 1 driving fault. a massive achievement to say the least. She passed on 15.6.2021
Emily Anderson,
from Olveston, South Gloucestershire successfully passed her driving test with the fun filled lessons and amazing teachings from Bubble instructor Marcus s. Emily passed her driving test on 15.6.2021
Tim Bryant,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire passed his driving test with the expert guidance from amazing BubbLe instructor Martin r with only 3 driving faults and a first time test pass Tim passed on 11.6.2021
Rhian Williams, from Downend, South Gloucestershire smashed her driving test and passed first time. All because the hard work she put in with the technical fun filled lessons with amazing BubbLe instructor Richard M. 10.6.2021
Kesheba Evans, from Kingswood, South gloucestershire, has more than embraced waiting for her driving test throughout the pandemic. Now with the amazing expert teachings from Amazing BubbLe instructor Richard m, she passed her driving test and gained her keys to independence on on 7.6.2021
Tyreese Higgins, from Hanham, Bristol has only been and passed his driving test first time with the calm witty tuition from amazing BubbLe instructor Kris a on 28.6.2021
Katherine Petch,
from horfield, Bristol been waiting aitently throughout the pandemic to gain her keys to independence, She now passed her driving test first time with the amazing teachings from husband and wife BubbLe instructor team Dan and Sylwia m on 28.6.2021
Cassie Perkins,
from Redland, Bristol has only been and got her car keys to independence. She smashed her driving test with the help and amazing teachings from BubbLe instructor Sarah b. Cassie passed her driving test on 21.6.2021
Jack Bryant,
from Emerson's Green, South Gloucestershire like so many has finally, after all these lockdown's, got his keys to independence with the help and cray teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Jenny w. He passed his test on 17.6.2021
Thomas Grinnger,
from Lawerance Weston, Bristol finally gained his keys to independence after many months of delays from the pandemic Husband and wife team Dan m and Sylwia m helped him achieve his independence on 15.6.2021
Daniel Milliner, from Cinderford, gloucestershire smashed his driving test after a handful of lessons having been affected by covid. With the expert lessons and fun personality from BubbLe instructor Garry m, Daniel passed his driving test first time on 11.6.2021
Amelia Ware, from Bishopston, Bristol, finally passed her driving test after a very long wait from all the lockdown's and on and off teaching. But with the calming influence and teachings from Bubble instructor Sarah b, Amelia passed her driving test on 9.6.2021
Sarmad Al Muhandes,
from Bristol successfully passed there driving test to a high standard with the help of amazing Bubble instructor Dan m. Sarmad passed their driving test on 8.6.2021,
Eleanor Lord, from Yate, South Gloucestershire was under the careful eye of BubbLe instructor Dan a, and with his chilled relaxing teaching style, helped Eleanor pass her driving test on 27.5.2021
Emma Tovey,
from Downend, South Gloucestershire successfully passed her driving test first time despite all the delays from COVID, with only one driving fault. Under the fantastic teachings of BubbLe instructor Martin r, she passed on 25.5.2021
Ursula Morrell, from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire Successfully passed her driving test with the calm and fun tuition provided by BubbLe Driving School amazing instructor Sylwia m on 21.5.2021
Hannah Rand, from Oldland Common, South Gloucestershire finally got her keys to her car and independent driving after the fantastic and professional teachings from Richard m of BubbLe Driving School. It's been a long time coming but Hannah passed her test on 20.5.2021
Jessica Woodward, from St Andrew's, Bristol, Had been hit by the effects of the pandemic and all three lockdown's, but with perseverance, and calm teaching's from Amazing Husband and wife team Chris and Sarah b, Jessica successfully passed her driving test on 19.5.2021
Karam Kaki,
from Fishponds, South Gloucestershire manged to successfully pass his driving test with the fun filled teachings of BubbLe instructor Kris a on 11.5.2021
Stephanie Castro,
from Thornbury, South Gloucestershire finally passed her test after the delays over the last 1 months and with the fun filled calm lessons provided by the one and only BubbLe instructor Mr Dan a, she successfully passed her driving test on 11.5.2021
Mya Ayton ,
from Spike Island, Bristol, had been learning to drive since February 2020, being impacted by covid restrictions, she managed t finally pass her driving test with the amazing help of husband and wife team Chris and Sarah B. Mya successfully passed her driving test on 7.5.2021
Richard Meade, from St George, Bristol, Like so many has been affected by COVID-19 delays, But with the great communication, and fantastic teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Kris .A, Richard finally and successfully passed his driving test on 6.5.2021
Abby Hynam, from Frenchay, South Gloucestershire. has waited very long time for this day, but with the cool calm teaching from the amazing BubbLe instructor Mr Richard m, Abby successfully passed her driving test on 5.5.2021
Zowie Nicholls, Fromm Cribb's Causeway, Bristol successfully passed her driving test with the help from amazing husband and wife team Dan m and Slywia M. With there help Zowie finally got her keys to independent driving on 28.5.2021
Jess Osborne,
from Brislington, Bristol, finally got her new life skill and passed her driving test with the help, fun teachings from BubbLe instructor Garry m on 25.5.2021
Alice Cockerton,
from Clifton, Bristol managed to successfully passed her driving test with the help and funtastic lessons provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Lukas t. Well done Alice you got your freedom of the roads since you passed your test on 24.5.2021
Estera Szymańska, from Sea Mills, Bristol, had been struggling for years learning to drive, having had poor experiences with previous driving instructor, Shea approached BubbLe and with the professionalism, kindness, dedication teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Slywia m, Estra finally gained her keys to independence after a long journey on 20.5.2021
Jasmin Clark, from Hartcliffe, Bristol as with so many of our recent passes had been delayed by the Pandemic, but now thanks to the amazing guidance and teachings from the amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine c, Passed her driving test on 19.5.2021
Edd Oldham,
from Hengrove, Bristol successfully passed his driving test with the calming influence and teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Glenn A. With Glenn's help, Edd successfully passed his driving test on 14.5.2021
Lauren Moxham-Mead,
from Oldland common, South Gloucestershire, after doing on and off training due to COVID, Her instructor helped her not only be road safe and test ready, but taught her so well she passed her driving test with zero faults and first time on 12.5.2021
Latinka Petkova,
from Weston Super Mare, North Somerset had been learning to drive for a while. Like so many affected by covid delays, she successfully passed her driving test with the expert help and teachings from amazing BubbLe driving Instructor Mike f on 10.5.2021
Max Streeter, from Clevedon, North Somerset, Had been waiting patiently for a long time with all these COVID-19 delays, but with the quick recovery teachings from the fantastic chilled BubbLe instructor Mr Mike f. He successfully passed his driving test on 6.5.2021
Harriet Hill, from Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire, like Abby, Harriet has waited a long time for this and with the expert guidance and patience with Dan a, Harriet passed her driving test on 1.5.2021
Rebecca O'Connel,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, had been learning to drive with the amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, due to complications, Sylwia, Dan's wife, Yes another husband and wife team, stepped in to continue training before lockdown 3.0 happened, Now though Rebecca finally achieved her goal and passed her driving test on 27.4.2021
Steve, from Bristol, was able to get a test so short after nearly a year of being lock downed, and test cancelation and in and out driving lessons, passed his driving test with the expert guidance from amazing BubbLe instructor Garry m on 23.4.2021
Sam Chapman, from Clevedon, North Somerset, having had 2 lockdowns to contend with in delays Sam, under the expertise of amazing lead North Somerset BubbLe instructor Mike f, Gained his keys to independence on 23rd April 2021. 1 day after driving tests resumed. Well done Sam
Kylee Rosa, from Bristol, decided that after all these COVID-19 delays they'd get a cheeky mini intensive booked with our amazing BubbLe instructor Garry m, After perseverance, and great calming teachings from Amazing BubbLe instructor Garry. M. Kylee successfully passed her driving test on 28.4.2021
Jodie Davis, from Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset, After many month of patience managed to successfully pass her driving test with the help and guidance from the fantastic BubbLe instructor Richard m on 30.4.2021
Tom Cunliffe, from Hanham, Bristol, Had been learning to drive with Richard all throughout the pandemic when legally permitted too, and despite delays he successfully passed his test on 27.4.2021
Luke, from Bristol, started to learn just before lockdown 3 came in, having had conversations with amazing BubbLe instructor Garry m, booked a intensive course in with him during lockdown, and successful passed his test on 23.4.2021
No Driving tests for the general public until April 22nd onwards due to National lockdown 3.0 except for critical workers responding to threats to life.
No Driving tests UK wide for the general public due to National lockdown 3.0 except for critical workers responding to threats to life.
No Driving tests UK wide for the general public due to National lockdown 3.0 except for critical workers
responding to threats to life.
No Driving tests in the UK starting from 6th Janaury for the general public due to National lockdown 3.0 except for critical workers responding to threats to life.
Helen Croucher,
from Stockwood, Was a very lucky client. Despite Boris Johnsons announcement later this date of a 3rd lengthy lockdown, she passed her driving test with flying colors with the help of the calming influence and instruction of BubbLe instructor Glenn a, and gained her keys to independence on 5.1.2021
Harry Chilcott, from Bristol, after waiting patiently for a long tie due to COVID, he managed to successfully pass his driving test with the generous and kind hearted BubbLe instructor Elaine, and gained his keys to independence on 4.1.2021
Ashley Pyne, from Bristol like everyone has struggled to get a test and pass but now he has thanks to the amazing BubbLe instructor Mr Dan m. Ashley gained his keys to independence on 3.12.2020
Raluca Sipos, from Kingswood again like so many after lockdown 1 and 2 managed to pass his driving test with the calming instruction from the fantastic Bubble instructor Mr. Kris a and got on the roads on 22.12.2020
Daniel newton, from Frampton Cottrell, had been learning to drive since February 2020 and we are more than pleased to say he passed his driving test fist time with the amazing instruction from BubbLe instructor Dan a. Daniel passed on 23.12.2020 just in time to do all his Christmas shopping
Sophie Burnside, from Barr's Court, had been learning to drive since September 2019 and sadly her test was cancelled. But now after month being lockdown and restarting to learn to drive, she with the help of husband and wife BubbLe instructor team Dan m and Slywia m, passed her driving test to start the new year off with a bang on 31.12.2020
No Driving tests UK wide due to National lockdown 2.0
Darcy sullivan, from Bishopsworth, started to learn in February 2020 and unfortunately like so many was delayed by the national lockdown. But with the calming friendly teachings of amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine c, she passed her driving test on 6.10.2020
Isabelle Batt, from Horfield like with everyone in our recent test passes was delayed by covid. but with the expert chilled teachings of amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b. she passed her driving test on 7.10.2020
Nicola moffat, from Kingswood was delayed by the lockdown, but with the integrity and banterish teachings of amazing cheeky BubbLe instructor Garry M. she passed her driving test on 13.10.2020
Rosie Wydraw, from Southmead managed to get a test pretty quick considering the backlog of tests, and with the help of warming instruction from our amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b. she gained her keys to independence on 14.10.2020
Kieran Trollope, from Winterbourne was guided by the ever so cheeky mr Garry m and succeeded in gaining his independence on 19.10.2020
Jacob johnson, from North Somerset, started to learn to drive early February 2020, and with the guidance and success despite national lockdown, he passed his driving test with the help of Amazing BubbLe instructor Mike F on 22.10.2020
Yow Wei Ler, from Bristol was a advanced driver and just need brushing up, having already had a test rebooked by the DVSA and the expert guidance by amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, he passed his driving test on 28.10.2020
Daniel ferguson, from Bradley Stoke, Bristol, Finally managed to get a test from the DVSA and passed their driving test with the help of fantastic BubbLe instructor Rob s, on 7.10.2020
Olivia king, from Kingswood, Bristol, who was being instructed by amazing BubbLe instructor Kris a successfully achieved their keys to independence on 8.10.2020
Joanna copperman, from Southmead, Bristol, started to learn to drive with us this summer, and with the expert guidance from amazing BubbLe instructor Rob s, she passed her test on 14.10.2020
Laura higgins, from Bishopston, Bristol, started to learn to drive back in November 2019, having weekly tuition then unfortunately got hit with lockdown and the DVSA test system, but, with perseverance she finally managed to pass her test with the amazing help of BubbLe Sarah b on 16.10.2020
Chelsea Strange, from Southmead, Bristol, was lucky to learn to drive in a average time frame and wasn't impacted by the lockdowns. With the expert guidance from the great BubbLe instructor Martin, she passed her driving test on 22.10.2020
Larisa Negara, from Bradley Stoke, Bristol, wanted to learn to drive in automatic and successfully passed her test with the help from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m on 26.10.2020
Jake C, from Redfield, Bristol, Was like so many of our clients caught out by covid lockdowns,. Jake started in early December 2019 with our amazing BubbLe instructor Marcus, having been affected by the lockdowns and delays in getting a test he finally succeed in getting a test, as rare as they are, and passed on 28.10.2020
Matty Tanner, from Mangotsfield, South Gloucestershire, started his learning to drive back in December 2019, again like so many covid hit and delayed his test, but with the help and guidance and paintence, he and with Richard's help, he passed his test on 26.9.2020
Ben hobbs, from Mangotsfield, South Gloucestershire, Need to get a driving licence in order to help him get a job. With the guidance and professilisim from amazing BubbLe instructor Richard, he successfully passed his driving test on 15.9.2020
Dylon Rhodes, from Bristol, felt intensive tuition was his way forwards. Having started to learn to drive before Lockdown 1 he spoke to Garry and rammed his tuition up nearer test time and with Garry m expert teaching, he passed his driving test on 10.9.2020
Jasmine, from Emersons green, South Gloucestershire, Poor jasmine was our hardest hit clients, she was test ready and had her test booked for Alex, 4.9.2020
Matt Claydon, from Clifton, Bristol, again like so many started learning to drive in late 2019, and as with everyone was stuck by covid, and the awful DVSA test backlog but with the help of BubbLe instructor Rob s, he managed to pass his driving test on 17.9.2020
Diara, from Westbury on trym, Bristol, started off learning to drive with weekly lessons then ramped up her teaching with Gary as like everyone lockdown delayed everything, with Garry's help, she successfully passed on 14.9.2020
Connor Pitt, from Bristol, was another 2019 client, again Due to lockdowns has delayed him passing but with the help from husband and wife team Chris b and Sarah b, he successfully passed his driving test on 7.9.2020
Tom hobbs, from Mangotsfield, South Gloucestershire, started to learn to drive late 2019, But covid slowed his progress, however with Richards calm teachings and ensuring a safe teaching environment post lockdown 1, Richard helped him to pass his driving test on 27.8.2020
Stephanie hope levins, from Brislington, Bristol, like so many needed a licence for day to day transport, and with the calming influence and teachings from amazing BubbLe instructor Kris a, passed their driving test on 26.8.2020
Alex pollard, from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, wanted to learn to drive to help her with her career, so with the fantastic expert guidance from amazing BubbLe instructor Matt s, Alex passed their test on 21.8.2020
Ben western, from Bristol, Started to learn to drive with the amazing Chris, then covid hit and lockdown began, and unfortunately Chris had to isolate. But, his partner, because yes that's right they are a husband and wife team, Sarah stepped in to continue teaching and helped ben succeed in passing his test on 20.8.2020
Matt sansom, from Clifton, Bristol, started to learn to drive back in January 202, and luckily his training wasn't delayed much by covid except the 4 month lockdown, and with the fresh calming fun teachings from BubbLe instructor Marcus, he successfully passed his test on 19.8.2020
Jodie Doherty, from Bedminster Down, Bristol, started to learn to drive back in september 2018, now jodie has done driving lessons at her own pace and we respect that then covid came and delayed her driving test, but finally with Elaines careful teaching and warming personality helped jodie to succeed in passing her driving test on 17.8.2020
Zack stiley, from Stockwood, Bristol, started to learn to drive with our amazing BubbLe instructor Glenn, and with glens expert knowledge on all things driving, zack successfully passed his test on 11.8.2020
Adam Toon, from Bristol, started to learn to drive with our amazing BubbLe instructor Chris, but like everyone else Adam was delayed by lockdown for his test. But, Chris was now put on to the shielding list, luckily his wife, Sarah b took over training with Adam, and he successfully passed his driving test on 10.8.2020
Carolann Murphy, from Coalpit Heath, South Gloucestershire, Like so many was caught out by lockdowns but with the expert guidance from fantastic BubbLe instructor Matt s she successfully passed her driving test on 5.8.2020
Annie targett, from Portishead, North Somerset, was struggling to find driving instructors in here area, and discovered BubbLE, so with our amazing chilled teaching approach from BubbLe instructor Mike, Annie passed her driving test on 28.8.2020
Desi soava, from Upper conham, Bristol, like so many was delayed by covid, however Sarah b ensuring it was safe to learn to drive, helped desi pass her driving test on 26.8.2020
Charlie wiltshire, from Downend, South Gloucestershire, started intensive tuition before Lockdown 1 happened and alas this cancelled his course, But with Garry's amazing Time scale managing helped Charlie pass his test on 21.8.2020
Touka mostafa, from Bristol, felt bubble driving school was the right school for her, and with Sarah b amazing calming approach helped her to succeed in passing her test on 21.8.2020
Lognan paul, from Yate, South Gloucestershire, like everyone had his original test cancelled due to covid but got a pretty early test date from the end of lockdown 1, so with the great in-depth teachings of BubbLe instructor Matt s, helped them successfully pass their driving test on 20.8.2020
Tilly Edwards, from Yate, South Gloucestershire, started to learn to drive summer 2019, having difficulty as she could only do weekends, but with the help from BubbLe instructor Dave s she finally passed her driving test on 18.8.2020
Melanie Tay, from Dowend, South Gloucestershire, Like so many was delayed by covid, but with the help guidance and patience from BubbLe instructor Richard, she gained her keys to independence eventually on 14.8.2020
Robert beech, from Horfield, Bristol, Wanted to learn automatic, and as with so many you read, covid delayed Roberts plans, but with the hyperactive fun lessons from amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m, Robert was able to enjoy his freedom having passed his test on 10.8.2020
Faye gadsby, from Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire, was able to get a test date quite quickly considering the national backlog, so with the great technical but fun lessons provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Matt s she passed her driving test on 7.8.2020
Jessica J, from Charfield, South Gloucestershire was learning to drive before Christmas, and yes you guessed it lockdown put a stop to that, but with hard work post lockdown her amazing instructor Dave g helped her to successfully pass her test on 31.7.2020
Shannon D,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire started to learn to drive a very long time ago with our amazing BubbLe instructor Dave g. And well you know the story, lockdown, but Dave was able to help her succeed and she successfully and finally passed her driving test on 30.7.2020
Liam M, from Westerleigh, South Gloucestershire wanted to do a intensive course and managed to get most the way through, until lock down happened. after the easing of lock down, hi BubbLe instructor Dave s was able to finish his course and he successfully passed his test on 29.7.2020
Sebastian S, from Downend, South Gloucestershire, started to learn with our amazing instructor Kris a way back to last year, and after a few months patience through lockdown and recommencing his lessons Kris finally helped him to succeed in passing his test on 20.7.2020
Benji, from Bristol after months fustration, and delays with driving test dates, benji with the help of his amazing instructor Jenny w, helped him finally succeed in passing his test on 30.7.2020
Josh W, from Charfield, South Gloucestershire as with everyone had to stop lessons, but his amazing bubbLe instructor Dave g helped josh get back on track and he was ready for his eventual test date and successfully passed on 29.7.2020
Jade L, from Congresbury, North Somerset. well what can we say we all went through it, but with hard work and dedication form our amazing North Somerset instructor Mike f, she eventually succeeded in passing her driving test on 20.7.20
No Driving tests UK wide for the general public due to National lockdown 1.0 except for critical workers
No Driving tests UK wide for the general public due to National lockdown 1.0 except for critical workers
Juan G, from Southmead, Bristol, has passed his emergency keyworker test on 13.5.2020
Juan, who is a career working in a care home with vulnerable and disabled kids, has been working hard on the frontline and needed to get his license to reduce his risk to the COVID-19 virus on public transport. Now, Juan can safely get his work and continue to work on the frontline and keep his clients safe and well.
Juan, we want to thank you for your dedication and commitment during these unprecedented times.
Massive well done to you.
No Driving tests UK wide for the general public due to National lockdown 1.0 except for critical workers
Aaliyah B, from emersons Green, South Gloucestershire has passed her essential driving test today 16.4.2020 with the help and dedication of amazing BubbLe instructor Alex m.
Aaliyah, who is an essential NHS worker needed her pass ASAP to help save lives.
Aaliyah, we at BubbLe Drivign School LTD want to thank you for everything you are currently doing with this on going pandemic, we are proud we were able to help you, and want to personally thank you for what you are doing to protect lives.
Aaliyah, be safe, and enjoy your new found freedom once this is all over.,
Thomas r, from Charfield, South Gloucestershire was recomended bubble and hoped we covered his area, and luckily we did, and with the amazing Teachings provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dave g, he helped him pass his test on 16.3.2020
Amber c,
from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire wanted to learn with a female instructor, but also have manaul driving lessons, with the amazing teachings and calming tuition provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b, She helped her be a safe confindant driver who smashed her driving test on 12.3.2020
Toby H, Redland, Bristol,
Wanted to learn with bubble through reccomdation but also wanted a driving instructor who could do lesson late in the daytime or early evenings. With the fantastic teachings provied by amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b she helped him to succeed in passing his test on 10.3.2020
Nathan w,
from St George, Bristol, was sure automaitc driving lesosn was his strong point to learn, so with the help of BubbLe's amazing instructor Dan m, he helped him to pass his test first time on 9.3.2020
Millie H,
from Hanham, Bristol felt automatic was what she wanted to learn to drive, so having booked in with BubbLe's amazing instructor Martin R he not only got her to become a safe driver but helped her succeed in passing her test on 5.3.2020
Lily J,
from Bristol, Wanted to learn to drive but struggled to find a driving school that could accomadate her for evenings and wekeends, but with the help of our amazing BubbLe instructor Andy p he helped her too succeed in passing her test on 5.3.2020
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, needed driving lessons ASAP and a instructor who was regualr and consisnt, with the help of amazing BubbLe instructor Dave g and his amazing teaching abaillites, he helped him to succeed in passing his test on 4.3.2020,
Ria L,
from Staplehill, South Gloucestershire, was sure manaul was her thing, and having being booked in with the calm amazing BubbLe instructor dan a, she passed her driving test on 4.3.2020
Joe s,
from Fishponds, Bristol knew automati was the way forwards for him, and with the help of BubbLEs fantastic instructor Daniel m, he helped him to succeed in passing his test on 2.3.2020
Huberto R,
from Frampton Cotterell, South Gloucestershire, Wanted to find a driving instructor who was calm friendly and just a joy to be learning with, having booked in with the amazing BubbLe instructor Alex m, she helped to succeed in passing his test on 2.3.2020
Tom l, from Brislington, Bristol, had to pass ASAP for his job, and booking in at the right time he was able to secure a intensive course with a short wait, low and behold, With the amaizng intensive teachings from the one and amazing BubbLe instructor garry, he successfully passed his test on 28.2.2020
Ross h,
from Hanham, Bristol wanted to finish his learning process with a driving instructor who was reliable, consistant with weekly tuition and was on time after having a bad experiance with a different company. So, with our amazing BubbLe instructor Jenny w help, with her fun whacky teaching style and amazing banter skills, helped ross master the final bit of driving and he successfully passed his test on 26.2.2020
Mohsin B,
from St andrews, Bristol was struggling to find a driving school that covered the center of bristol. But we at BubbLe driving School have the wonderful funny chatty man instructor MR Marcus s. Who, with his amazing teachings was able to help mohsin pass his driving test on 25.2.2020
Eridiana R,
from Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire, was struggling to find a driving school that could help, at the time she enquired most schools were full, but our amazing BubbLe instructor Alex m was able to make space to help, nd with her motherly and chatty teaching style helped her to succeed in passing her test on 24.2.2020
Rebecca p,
from Frampton Cotteril, South Gloucestershire, got the ball rlling very fast, and with the help of our amazing BubbLe instructor Alex m, helped her to succeed in being a safe a competent driver who passed her test on 20.2.2020
Jade g,
from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire, really wanted to learn with the amazing BubbLe instructor Rob s. And she was lucky he was able to help her. He was able to get her skills brought up to road saftey standard in his fun lessons, and she successfully passed her test on 18.2.2020
Lilly b,
from Portway, Bristol, contacted BubbLe straight away for automatic lessons, knowing this what she wanted to do, we managed to get her booked into our amazing instructor Dan m, who was abale to help her identify her weaknesses, improve them and gain the skills to succed, Lilly passed her test on 18.2.2020
Bohan p,
from Brentry, Bristol, wanted to succeed in gaining a manaul driving lessons, but only with a female instructor, bring in the amazing BubbLe instructor Sarah b who, with her great warming personality, and expert training and fun lessons, helped her to succeed in passing her test just in time on valentines day, 14.2.2020
Jack d,
from Filton, Bristol knew manual driving lessons in his area was what he needed, and with the calming relaxed driving tuition provided by amazing bubbLe instructor rob s he successfully passe his driving exam on 13.2.2020
Joe B,
from Bristol wanted to get his licence ASAP but was struggling to find a driving instructor who was fun, friendly, and could offer evening driving lessons consistantly. So, with this in mind and diving deep into our amazing teams availabilitys we offered him our amazing BubbLe instructor Andy p. With his help and guidance, he helped to become a safe and comptenet driver and passed his driving test on 11.2.2020
Robin g,
from Withywood, Bristol hear about BubbLe and enquired, now with the fun and amazing help form fantastic BubbLe instructor Glenn a. He helped him to succeed in gaining his independence and passed his driving test on 7.2.2020
Samantha y,
from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, knew automaitc driving lessons was for her, and she wanted a driving instructor that was consistant with availability, so with BubbLe instructor Dan m help, she passed her driving test on 5.2.2020
Sam b,
from Chew Stoke, Bristol was struggling to find a driving instructor who covered his area, but with the amazing help and training by fantastic BubbLe instructor Marcus s, he passed his driving test first time on 4.2.2020
George C
, from Yate, South Gloucestershire, Wanted a driving instructor who was able to be accomadting with his schedual, as well as able to provide regular weekly driving elssons. With the Fantastic training and help of amazing BubbLe instructor Matt s, he susscessfull helped him pass his driving test With a clean sheet on 3.2.2020
Zak H, from Hengrove, Bristol decided a intensive course was the way to go, so after doing his assessment and training with BubbLes lead Intensive instructor garry, He helped him to succeed in passing his test on 28.2.2020
Alex Keepin, from Kingswood, South Gloucestershire, wanted to have manual driving lessons with a instructor who was friendly and a great teacher. With the help of amazing BubbLe instructor Dan a, He successfully passed his test on 27.2.2020
Nick G,
from St George, Bristol, knew a intensive course was for him, and after undergoing a assessment he knew Garry m ws definatly the right trainer for him, he helped him to be a safe and competent in his driving in a matter of weeks and he successfully passed his test on 25.2.2020
Sanae B,
from Knowle, Bristol, wanted a to have a female instructor that was calming, but also able to be regualr with her lessons. With the help from our fantastic BubbLe instructor Elaine c she manage to pass her test 25.2.2020 and be a safe and happy driver from her training.
Asha g,
from Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire, knew from the off that automatic lessons is what she needed to pass. So, having searched around she booked in, and with the calming cool lessons providied by amnazizng bubble instructor Dan m, she achieved her goals and successfully passed her test and got on the road independently on 24.2.2020,
Will L,
from Bristol, wanted a instructor who was warm and friendly, with the amazing and fantastic training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine c, she helped him become a safe and confindant driver for the roads, and he passed his test on 20.2.2020
Jasmine B,
from Yate, South Gloucestershire, decided a intensive course was her thing, and having done her assessment lesson she had her course 2 weeks later. Well what can we say, apart from she smashed her course and her test and is safe and happy on the roads now, she successfully passed her test with the help and training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Dave s on 17.2.2020
Grace m,
from Brentry, Bristol, knew she wanted to learn with bubble, specifically with our fantastic BubbLe instructor Rob s being highly recommended. With his amazing teaching style, calming personality and expert knowledge he helped her to be one heck of a safe and confindant driver, and she successfully passed her test on 13.2.2020
John w,
from Downend, South Gloucestershire, could only do lessons on specific days and times, and having been recommended bubble, we was able to get him booked in with regular consistant weekly lessons with our amazing BubbLe instructor Kris a, who helped, trained and guided john to successfully pass his test on 13.2.2020
Owen H,
from Fishponds, Bristol was again like our other cleint joe b, eeding a great instructor who was also able to offer regualr evening lessons consistantly. so we found him our fantastic BubbLe instructor Kris . Kris is a cheeky but calm instructor and with his expert teachings helped him succeed in passing his test on 12.2.2020
Toby t,
from Stone, Gloucestershire, was struggling to get driving lesson as they live out in the countryside, but, BubbLes amazing instructor, Andy p. stepped in to help and with his teachings to his deciple (LOL) he got him to become a safe, competent driver and he successfully passed his test on 10.2.2020
Rachael m,
from Horfield, Bristol Was strugging to find driving lessons that was on a weeked due to the popularity of them. However, she managed to get booked in with the amazing BubbLe instructor Andy p andwith his calm teaching and reliability for consistancy in training, he helped her pass her test on 7.2.2020
Chris c
, from Clifton, Bristol wanted to learn to drive and required a instructor who was flexiable with lesosns but was also dedicated. so, with this in mind aBubbLes very own Marcus s, got him driving to a high standard, which helped him pass his test and be confindante in his driving skills on 5.2.2020
Abida c , from St George, Bristol wanted driveng lesson's ASAP wether that was manual or automatic driving lessons, So with the expert help of amazing BubbLe instructor Dan m , helped him succeed in being a confindante driver and he passed his test on 4.2.2020
Eleanor B, from Thornbury, South Gloucestershire, wanted to have driving lessons with a female instructor, and having booked with the amazing Alex m, she helped her gain her coinfindance in driving and successfully passed her driving test on 31.1.2020
Johannes w,
from Bishopston, Bristol needed a driving instructor who could offer either early morning lessons or evening slots, with the help and early tuition with amazing BubbLe instructor Chris b, he helped him to succed in gain his keys to independence on 30.1.2020
Amelia g,
from Bishopston, Bristol, wanted to learn with a female instructor who taught manual lessons, with the amazing, crazy and fun filled lessons provided by fantastic BubbLe instructor Jenny w. she passed her driving test on 30.1.2020
Lewis W,
from Patchway, South Gloucestershire, wanted to pass his test in a manaul car, so with the friendly and expert teachings provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Andy p, he passed his driving test on 27.1.2020
Cat v,
from Bradley stoke, Bristol decided to have a intensive course, but also required addational lessons due to a few difficulties with some manovers, with the amazing help from Both amazing and fantastic BubbLe instructord Dave s and Marcus s they both managed to help her succeed in gaining her independence on 24.1.2020
Caroline f,
from Knowle, Bristol was struggling to find a driving instructor who taught automatic lessons in Knowle, but she managed to get booked in with the Amazing Richard m, however due to a double booking for her test day our fantastic instructor dan m took her to test. With both of their guidance they helped caroline to pass her driving test on 22.1.2020
Robyn J,
from Bedminster, Bristol, wanted a driving instructor who was friendly and approchable, with the help of amazing BubbLe instructor Elaine c, she helped her to pass her driving test on 21.1.2020
Samford h,
from Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire, wanted to get on the roads ASAP and knew automatic driving was the right thing for him, with the amazing help of fantastic BubbLe instructor Martin r, he successfully passed his driving test on 21.1.2020
Edward J,
from Oldland Common, South Gloucestershire, wanted to have a driving instructor who was funny whitty but could do regular weekly lesson's that fit in with his schedual, with the amazing help of fantastic BubbLe instructor Kris a, he passed his driving test on 20.1.2020
Hayley b,
from Bristol, decided she needed to get on the roads ASAP, and choose to do a intensive course, witht he fantastic training providien Buy our intensive instructor Dave s, She passed her test on 17.1.2020
Justina b,
from Westbury on trym, Bristol, needed to learn to drive ASAP but struggled to find a instructor who could do early morning slots or weekend tuition. So we managed to squeeze her in with our amaizng BubbLe instructor Andy p, and with his technical guidance and fun calming lessons helped her to pass her test on 16.1.2019
Amy c,
from Bristol, needed a instructor who could do evenings or weekends, now we couldn't offer those, but we were able to offer early morning lessons 7 am starts, well with the amzing tuition provided by amazing instructor Chris b, she successfully passed her driving test on 8.1.2020
Silvia t,
from Easton, Bristol also had a great start to the new year, he felt automaitc was the best for him and with the fun lesson's and training provided by amazing BubbLe instructor Daniel m, he not only passed hs test first time, but he passed his test with zero marks too on 8.1.2020
Bubble Driving School. All rights reserved.