If you are reading this post, then you may have a upcoming driving test. Now whether you are learning with a driving instructor or mum and dad/partner/friend and have a driving test coming up, please be aware that the DVSA are now reintroducing their 3 wording day cancellation policy.
Source from DVSA email to all driving instructors on 14.6.2021
"Increasing the number of driving test appointments
From Monday (14 June 2021) our driving examiners will be returning to carrying out 7 tests each day in England, Scotland and Wales. This change will allow us to increase capacity across the national network by an average of 15,000 to 20,000 tests per month.
We are also reintroducing the short notice cancellation fee from Thursday 17 June. This will help reduce the number of learner drivers who do not turn up for their driving test and free up the test slot to another candidate."
What this means is if you have a driving test on a Monday the latest you can cancel a driving test and change the test date would be before 11pm on Tuesday the week before. This is due to the DVSA test booking system closing at 11pm at nigt and reopening at 6am the following day.
If you cancel your driving test with the 3 clear working days your test will be cancelled but you will now lose your test fee as well.
So please note, if you have bought a short notice test and are looking for driving lessons and a instructor for test day it will be very difficult to find a instructor whose available.
Right now the Driving instruction industry is on its knees with less driving instructors and less examiners, and long waiting periods for both lessons and driving tests. It is recommended you get booked in for professional lessons first before booking your practical driving test.
Bubble Driving School. All rights reserved.