Due to high demand on our office staff since our industry recommenced on 12th April 2021 after lockdown 3.0, their has been a massive increase in demand on not just driving lessons but general inquiry's.
Because of the and the extensive background work being done by our team, BubbLe driving school's office will be closed from Friday 20th August 2021 and will reopen on Tuesday 31st August 2021.
Whilst we know this can be frustrating, our office staff have been working tirelessly with little chance to rest since 12th April, working way past office closing time and weekends dealing with high email volumes, social media inquiry's and background day to day running of the office. Our staff need need some down time to reward the high pressures that has been on them.
All existing clients of BubbLe driving school please correspond directly with your driving instructor with any questions, problems, quires.
All inquiry's for driving lessons on our Facebook page and emails will be dealt with from Tuesday 31st august 2021. This may up to 96 hours to respond from our opening date after bank holiday.
For ADI training inquiry's, please
contact us on our website form page or send us a Facebook message. We will respond ASAP.
Please be safe everyone.
BubbLe Driving School
Bubble Driving School. All rights reserved.